[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/grange-regular-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170915/5ad4f0bf32173b88b4f4eba5b9d29e42.png[/img][/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/grange-regular-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170915/7dcc120d30b664aab4e9b37be590ec76.png[/img][/url] [img]http://images.summitpost.org/original/5175.jpg[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/grange-regular-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170915/c7a3e03ffc1ef3f9576111a19cfc4d73.png[/img][/url][/center] [i]A couple of times I have seen people try to start a post zombie apocalypse RP and regrettably they like many RP fade away Well with this little offering I am hoping to explore what the world is like for people who barely remember the former world because they were 6 to 10 years old when it all went to hell. Working cars and trucks are rare and ammo so hard to find few resort to spray and pray anymore. Humans have been reduced to a preindustrial culture most places or worse with a few pockets of tech still operating. (Hydroelectric, Solar, or Wind). The primary source of transportation is Horse or some form of animal; there are rumors of Elephants being used further south. This RP is about the society the people of the town of Lasthope and how they are coping with the new world. There are no Green Berets, Rangers, SAS, Navy Seals; just the kids they’ve trained who are called Troopers or Scouts in the Cavalry traditions. You don’t have to play a Trooper or Scout. You can be an Engineer (Construction or Mechanical), a Doctor (People or Animals) or heck even a Farmer if you like [/i] [hr][hr] Okay proof I am working on this and a plea for help or ideas in finishing [hider=History Babble] [i]Sorry I haven’t had time to really hammer down the history or edit it to make sense but in the interest of getting this going I thought “What the hell?” Oh and if anyone would like to be CoGM or write a better history please feel free to volunteer [/i] ….How it all began few know and the rumors many but in the end that no longer mattered it was the end of the world that once was and the beginning of a New world, a world of struggle. No place was left untouched as far as anyone knew and society had fallen apart. Many chose to act like beasts blaming it all on the disaster in the end they were always animals. But some men kept their humanity, tried to hang on to what was left knowing that the future was decided now and one such man was David Comber who was once a parachute instructor with the Screaming Eagles or should I say the Commander of their jump school Colonel D.Comber who retired after only twenty years to take care of his granddaughters who had lost their parents in a plane crash 2 years before the disaster. He was at the time working as the Chief Forest Ranger of Mount Hood when it went to hell and like most he was off balance but quickly recovered when he found his family in danger. He and men who were from various services and who knew each other from the local VFW Came together Chief Comber Under his leadership in his little neck of the woods 40 men strong. They fought their way in organized teams that included their teenage relatives and local boys and girls willing to fight. Their goal had been the power station by the Bullrun dam and the structures themselves which lead them through the town where the local loggers had fought a battle of survival and lost having lost their leader. He was immediately pressed into service as the local emergency commander because the Sheriff had fallen to the dead and Comber began under the conditions that his word in this operation of survival was law which he would relinquish only if 65 adults said they wanted him out. Organizing sweeper teams Comber took advantage of the ground he was forced to fight on and observed his enemy and soon knew their weakness and exploited them channeling them into killing pens constructed of the local produce Lumber in the form of logs. The battle had lasted 3 weeks and welded the people of Lasthope into a community of fighters and survivors. Collecting all the data his patrols had brought him Chief Comber saw a chance to use the craggy terrain to his people’s advantage and seal off a safe zone to raise crops and herds to feed everyone through the northwest winters. He was in luck to have a Korean war Seabee engineer who taught the local loggers and heavy equipment operators the best way to build quickly. The first structures weren’t designed to be permanent and built like the Roman Legion forts which Caesar used to conquer Gaul and in this case hold back the horrors. Next came the town of Lasthope which was built to last taking advantage of the fact it had a concrete factory, lumber industry, and a working hydroelectric plant. No one was allowed to shirk their duties in the construction of the town unless they were under the age of 8 years old the adolescents assigned to minor tasks under elder supervision. The Founding population of Lasthope built the center of town in only three months and had provided so well for the Winter that they were even able to take on 400 rescues brought in by the mounted patrols. They quickly developed into a Socialist Society founded around Democracy based on the motto “We Dare to Live” fostered by the Chief. It was because of his uncompromising leadership before and after those long gone days that Comber has been elected Chief of the Band of Mount Hood Year after Year. He is a planner, a logistics expert and leader who is backed up by like. Earl White a man of no military training but a skill in understanding Cavalry tactics that comes naturally; it is Earl who drove off the first attack by the Portland Pirates at the “Battle of the Locks” Then there is Comber’s wife Candice who runs the orphan’s home of Lasthope and the educational system. It was because of her that some of the first sweeper patrols brought back every book that could be found for 20 miles in every direction. Next is Art Newbury son of William Newbury who had been the founder of the Construction corps and has taken over for his deceased father without missing a beat. After him is Betty Craft a former High School Botany teacher whose work building the farming system the town uses has kept them fed and able to enjoy out of season crops by greenhouse growth and hydroponics. [hr][hr] Lasthope is Built along the Shore of Bullrun Lake using Shipping containers, Cinder-block, Concrete, and Brick using Mill Creek and Taylor Creek as barriers to the Dead and the Living. It’s fortification came complete with earthen revetments and only one gate with a military watch system on all walls and 12 reinforced watchtowers made of concrete and manned by at least 4 reserve troopers each (reserve troopers are the oldermen of Lasthope, 45-65) The Gate is constructed of 16 40 foot steel containers and 10 20 foot containers serving as 4 Towers and manned by a 20 man watch 24/7, 365 [url=http://www.awra.org/meetings/Portland2013/images/Bull-Run-14.jpg]The Bullrun Reservoir and Dam[/url] which has a working hydroelectric plant are critical to the Survival of Lasthope and why they have fought 3 wars against the Portland Pirates as well as the Clackamas Gang and the Wanders. Portland is still an issue but Chief comber believes at the present growth rate for Lasthope with births and immigrants the Band will be twice the population of Portland in another 10 years and if they haven’t ceased slaving and pirating by then the Band will see that they move or are broken apart as a threat ever again. While Lasthope is built near and around the lower Dam The Mount Hood Band is made up of over 2,675 people and of those number they could field an effective cavalry force of 550 and have over 2,600 head of horse along with 8,000 cattle and most importantly a hydroelectric power station that is still functioning. [/hider] [hider=The Sasumata Polearm] The Sasumata of last hope come in multiple sizes and are commonly made of Hardwood shafts 4’-12’ with a flexible steam shaped Ash bow 12”- 3 ½” across. These Polearms are useful in controlling a walker at better than arm’s length by 2 to as many as 6 people at once. Here is one example of what a Sasumata look like and how they are used even by the police [img]http://www.mma.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/11892386.jpg[/img] Some more clues [url=http://www.angelfire.com/art/enchanter/catchpole.html]Sasumata[/url] and here’s another picture showing a rough idea of how they’re used [url=http://watanabe3ti.txt-nifty.com/f2f/images/sasumata_2_thumb.jpg]Sasumata Diagram[/url][/hider] [hider=Tetsubo / Wooden Warhammer] [img]http://www.crushingforce.com/wp-content/gallery/tetsubo/tetsubo-021.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.instructables.com/FTQ/SWTG/G3TE1413/FTQSWTGG3TE1413.MEDIUM.jpg[/img] These types of weapons are usually kept in the hands of the larger troopers because they can finish a Walker in a single blow. Both can be used on horse back some warhammer's the lenght of polomallets [/hider] [hr][hr] Okay here is a CS Skeleton I know it is short but I see a CS as an outline that should be fluid; hell few follow all the personality and other stuff found in most CS (Optional Picture Here) Name: Age: Description:(Height, Weight, and any other details you'd like to include though I will insist on more detail without a picture) History: Please include if you are an Orphan or Familied [hr][hr] This is a possible addition to the CS to reflect how you're different compared to everyone else raised in Lasthope. I see the town as insisting on service in the Patrols for young people and everyone is expected to stay fit so everybody has basic skills with the tools of a Trooper. Every trooper can track, hunt, set traps and identify what's for lunch in their surroundings. Sorry hope that made some sense and please ask or say NO! to this idea if you'd like Skills: (3 things you are respected for in your generation ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Everyone is at least familiar with the weapons of the Cavalry Common horsemanship, and Construction. if this isn't clear please ask as I am rushing this portion out) [hr][hr] [hider=Questions&Answer] Thought I'd keep track of the questions you all ask along with my answers to save repitition [b]Question[/b] Why not cavalry sabers? Baseball bats would be more available, but if you're already having customized weapons such as 8ft pitchforks, I'm sure whoever is making them can make sabers--maybe melting down scrap metal that would be easily scavenged (compared to more valuable items). It'd work with the cavalry aesthetic you've been playing around with too. [b]Answer[/b] Actually, the polearms are made of a hardened wood shaft turned at the local lumber mill then add what looks like a Wooden bow without a string made of steamed ash peg mounted then bound with sinew to the shaft. They are used in groups of two or three with a batsman and the reason for the use of wood is that it is an abundant local resource. The tactic is easy and adjustable, one traps the walker at the waist, the other traps a leg usually against a building or they trip the walker then pin it to the ground, once pinned the Bat is swung it's length giving it extra force as well as keeping the attacker at a safe distance to deliver the ending blow These weapons can be scaled up to be used from horseback Cavalry Sabers are as yet uncommon but I can see at least 100 being found in the course of 14 years and worn by only those that prove themselves as leaders and capable of using the weapon. The Primary weapons of Troopers are Lance, Bow, Lariat, and issued firearms under a special provision. Scouts are more likely to Carry Firearms but their main weapons are the Bow or Tomahawk which they are experts in the use of. The reason there is no production of sabers is because Lasthope is currently working on making revolvers and lever action rifles, they have a Black powder mill that is picking up production enough that at least the town can allow weapons practice with new black powder stuff Oh forgot to add that they are also working on nitrocellulose-based but the production pace and quality need work [hr] [b]Question[/b] Fair enough, but I imagine the pitchforks would need to be replaced often. Even if they're meant to trap zombies, we can look at historical examples of medieval lances breaking on the first charge because of the force of impaling someone. And black powder weapons are cool and loud, provided if they hit their target or don't explode in your own hands. [b]Answer[/b] Got to work within our capabilities and off of what is locally available Don't worry though Lasthope is sending out long-range patrols to map out resources and machinery especially electrical manufacturing stuff, wiring, motors, tools, educational books, and anything else the patrol commander thinks of as an asset to Lasthope. They will also be looking for skilled craftsmen which they will try and recruit. One group is going to the Warmsprings Indian reservation on a horse and cattle roundup. I like swords myself but in practicality fighting walkers that respond best to massive blunt force to the skull a large bat is better and doesn't get stuck in the target most of the time. Mount Hood has a huge logging and lumber industry around it and like the Russians, the people of Lasthope carted all sorts of industrial material and equipment to the site of their town. Then there is the Concrete industry that mined the Potash and Limestone which is considered a priority industry equal to the lumber industry [hr] [b]Question[/b] Love the idea! One question though -- I know in TWD universe if a zombie is deprived of food for long enough it becomes extremely weak (still 'alive', just lethargic and such).. will that rule apply here? If so, after fourteen years and serious human depopulation (presumably), will many of the zombies have this affliction? [b]Answer[/b] The number of mobile Zombies is way down because of the lack of victims but with people still dying it's still possible to run across the mobile ones. Lasthope isolates people who get sick and as soon as the doc says you are dead the skull penetrated to prevent rizn and the body burned within 48 hours (Rizn is slang for the obvious; sorry my attempt at humor)[/hider] I am still working through the kinks and trying to fill any gaps and Love Input so speak up ask questions [hr][hr][hr][hr] Link to Trivia Babble on [url=http://piratepad.net/7seSUKYCSv]Pirate Pad[/url]