[centre][h2][color=firebrick]Clara Baldwin[/color][/h2][/centre] Clara didn't say anything she didn't want to bring it up because it sorta involved Cyrus a little, and because she had a feeling she might get to worked up about it. She then looked over at Armend as he stated his disbelief in the cats ability, she was not pleased. Felyne's were amongst the hardest workers alive, digging transporting living out in the wild. They may be small cute little creatures but they were no joke. [centre][h2][color=39b54a]Chief/Cyrus[/color][/h2][/centre] Cyrus was annoyed that that neither of them ended up confessing to him about their obvious beef. He then cracked a grin [color=cyan]"The cats got here around 15 minutes ago, they're quick little suckers. They use underground tunnels to get around real quick, they do their job better than any of us could. And they do it safer to."[/color] he then looked behind him and called out to the chief.[color=cyan]"So they're back! You got another job for them!?"[/color] [color=green]"NOPE!"[/color] called the chief who was no longer sitting on her stool stirring the pot of soup but was climbing around getting dishes ready on a table in a back room. [color=green]"BUT I GOT SOUP! YOU WANT SOME!?"[/color] Cyrus smiled and looked back at Clara and Armend. He shrugged [color=cyan]"You guys want some soup?"[/color] he asked hoping to get them to talk over food, and possibly get some help from the chief.