"It's not that I don't want to be in town, necessarily." He said. "I don't dislike everyone. A lot of them are nice, except for some of the workers. But..." Berek placed his hair in his hands, resting his forehead. "If I give up my land, then the next land they'll take is the town itself." He explained, and sat up as he thought aloud. "And if that happens, the town will likely be in the middle of a war between the two lords, and after all of the blood has been spilled, those that are still alive will be taxed heavily." He gave her a helpless look, and breathed in deeply. "I have a friend or two in town. One of the owners of the Inn. Maybe you should stay there for a few days while this gets sorted out. You and Humphrey and Jeffrey. I don't want any of you in danger while this is happening. I think I can talk them out of this but..." He shook his head. "Only one way to find out."