[@Bishop]Anarchy stepped out of the elevator into the reception area, as it was necessary to go down a different elevator to get to the Zeta tube in the basement. As he stepped out, however, he saw John lower his ringed hand. "Fine," John said to the clown-like entity. "If there really is a dangerous inter-dimensional entity in the city, why don't you come with me to the interview room so that you can tell me all about it?" "Problem, John?" Mark asked, seeing the receptionist rubbing her throat. He was fairly certain he had heard her scream a little while ago. "Nothing I can't handle. This individual just came through from another dimension, chasing some sort of inter-dimensional horror. He did use some sort of magic to steal Jenna's voice. I'll make sure the medics do whatever they need to so she can recover." He looked at the clown and motioned down a hallway. "Meanwhile, I'm going to learn whatever I can about this threat." Mark nodded and walked over to Jenna, helping her up. She seem to no longer be in pain as she dusted herself off. "Are you all right?" She nodded, tapped a sign indicating an infirmary was down a hall directly across from the doors, and smiled. "Glad to hear it." He motioned to John that he could leave, then went over to the reception desk to call another branch. When he was done, he sat down at the chair behind the front desk, closed out Jenna's twitter page on the computer, and sat there for about two minutes until another receptionist came up the elevator from the Zeta tube room. "Thank you for coming from Star City on such short notice." he said, shaking the man's hand. "Our other receptionist was just attacked and is in the infirmary." "Is she alright?" the receptionist asked. "Her voice was magically taken, but otherwise she's fine." "uh, Ok." said the man. "I'm not still in danger, am I?" "No, the attacker is currently with John Stewart. Apparently, he came to this dimension to warn us about some great evil." "Ok, well, I don't have any powers so if he attacks me, I'm running." Mark giggled. "I wouldn't blame you. Most people would run, but I doubt that would happen." There was a noise outside and Mark looked out the door, spotting several people with Boomerang and Trinity. "Well, just make yourself comfortable. The next shift's receptionist will be in at five." he looked at his watch. 2:47. "Right now, though, I've got a date, and she's held up. Excuse me." He turned and walked out the door. [@RumikoOhara] "Hello, Trinity." he said as several men in handcuffs walked by him, followed by officers. "I assume you caught another criminal?"