The mistake could have easily been made, and Ahnciel in his paranoia was hardly keen on correcting the receptionist who refered to them as [i]ma'am[/i]. In another land, surrounded by people who hopefully had no connection to the faded and worn crest on the tapestry cloak, he still toiled in worry over every set of eyes that fell upon him. Ears folded back and tail curving around his legs, all that stood out from the cloak with his shaded face and the glint of metal adornments on his boots' toes and heels. Ideally, he looked like a nobody...or at least someone trying to look like a nobody. This was poorly done, however, as he'd waited until nearly half way into the hall before actually pulling his hood back up after it'd been blown off from running. Still, he was at a loss for words since there didn't seem to be much hope of persuading the woman to bend the rules even with the promise of every coin to his name, for what it was worth. Ahnci 'hrm'd and hummed softly, pacing in thought and almost even considering going back to the shore by himself until the doors of the hall swung open. In paraded a squad of seasoned-looking individuals and their stock of horrific corpses. 'Monsters' was about as detailed as Ahnci could tell by looking, having little experience with the bestiary of his homeland, if he could call it that, let alone this strange new place. When seeking similar help for the matter which was almost perceivably dismissed by the guild secretary, townsfolk suggested taking the matter to the guild. Not only did they seem to know about monsters, the returning group appeared proficient at slaying them as well. Perfect! In his enthusiasm, Ahnci almost made to speak up his proposal until getting chills from the first adventurer who nearly pushed him aside in her assertion to reach the receptionist. The cloaked creature flinched from the slam of palm and paper, urging him to back away and simply let their business transpire. His heart sank, the thought having not occurred to him that there was other work going on than his petty re-theft of choice ship cargo from a craft he was a stowaway on, details he neglected to mention when explaining the situation to the receptionist. Yuel's shout and approach compelled Ahnci to retreat back a few more steps as not to get in the growing group's way. They all seemed acquainted and human, and crowds were hardly what the homunculus wished to be in the middle of in spite of knowing he was hardly done here...especially as the receptionist began reading off the new quests. Certain his request was the final addition, and cemented by having it given to the uppity lady, his enthusiasm was rekindled by the order to begin recruiting. [color=a187be]"[i]Ah-[/i] I Insist zeht I accompany you for zee requisitioning ouf zeh cargo!"[/color] Ahnci chirped, probably a bit louder than he would have liked, but determined to be heard. While he had never fought a monster in the literal sense-, [color=a187be]"I haf...personal investment in a stocked article"[/color] he explained, a tad on the flowery side of prose but hopefully still understandable. As he spoke up, Ahnci regained a lost step closer to the group though still remaining out of immediate arm's reach.