[centre][h2][color=00a651]Cyrus/Chief[/color][/h2][/centre] Cyrus grinned at Armend's talk of training, he remembers when he himself discussed training with his mentors tho that was a long time ago. [color=cyan]"Indeed, I will have to give you some guidance now wont I?"[/color] He then headed to the back room and took a seat at the table his sitting position made it very clear that his right arm was broken as he only lifted his left arm onto the the table. He chuckled and beckoned Armend back to the table [color=cyan]"Don't worry, she'll sort us out. She prefers it that way."[/color][color=green]"Don't talk for me Cyrus! But he's right, run along and take a seat. I'll be through in just a moment."[/color] She would meet any protests with stron retaliation and waited for Armend to get seated. Then the chief worked away in the kitchen a little longer before serving everyone a nice bowl of soup. The chief hopped up onto an extra tall chair [color=green]"Now dig in!"[/color] Cyrus couldn't help but grin as he watched the old lady work, her movements made her look like a clockwork person. He then started eating his soup [color=cyan]"Good as always Chief"[/color] the chief was to busy sipping her soup to respond properly. [centre][h2][color=firebrick]Clara Baldwin[/color][/h2][/centre] Clara mood was improved by the offer of soup, she knew how good the chiefs soup was. She took a seat opposite from Cyrus all tho the table had many free chairs to choose from. She still didn't say much until the soup got there. [color=00aeef]"Thank you chief."[/color] She said this and got a similar response that Cyrus did. She then looked at Armend for a moment then back to her soup. She didn't understand what was going through his head, this was odd because most of the towns folk had similar views and the traders were always there for money. So having someone she couldn't read easily was vexing to say the least. She sipped her soup quietly as she thought about Armend's comment on strength.