OOC: I'm assuming Summer is still out like a light so they can talk freely. [color=39b54a][u][b]Dr. Arthur West- Salem Clinic Church[/b][/u][/color] [i]"I'm going to do the job I promised to do, partly because I won't back down on a commitment I made, willingly and on my own -- but also, because...well...because..." [/i] She stuffed the pill into her mouth and chewed it before she could say anything more. Frieda smiled, "Brotherhood will have to go through me, first, and I don't go down easy." Arthur sighed in relief, "Thank you Frieda...I...appreciate that. Its hard for me to find loyal friends on the surface, and harder still to find ones to always rely on. I'm glad that you seem to be both. Perhaps...perhaps we can help each other out in that way. I..." He was about to say more, when he heard a familiar voice calling from the first floor. [i]“Hey doc, you here?... I take it you saw vertibird in the sky…” [/i] He turned back to Frieda, "Ah, that'll be Rick...come on, I'll introduce you properly now that...well...now that the cards are on the table as it were." Arthur walked down and found Rick staring up nervously at the sky, "Good morning Rick. Yes, indeed I saw them," He began, "In fact, I was just having a conversation with Frieda about their arrival here. She was just as concerned as we were, albeit for different reasons," he paused for a moment, judging Rick's reaction before continuing, he then looked to Frieda and then back to Rick, "Frieda...this is Rick Noel. I'm not sure if you were properly introduced yet...but, well, he's an...associate of mine. I've told her who we are Rick. I believe we can trust Ms. Richter far better than we might trust any of our other informants on the surface. She doesn't have any reason to hate us, and indeed, sympathizes with us far better than anyone else might. I'm not an SRB Agent, I know, and perhaps I overstepped myself, but we need friends out here..."