I wouldn't say this is weird but I've been working on the concept of a story about a mixture between For Honor, and the vocoloid song 'Servant of Evil'. A kingdom is sacked by a group of barbarians, who take heavy inspiration from mythical vikings, from the north. In return the kingdom that was sacked retaliates. A great war springs up while other nations stay neutral they do keep an eye on the war. In this war great heroes appear as older warriors die off. Two brothers in specific rise up one of them killing the enemy chieftain forcing the barbarians to yield after years of war. The king instates new members of his kingdom's honor guard but dies off not too soon after leaving the king's daughter in charge as his son also died with him. The daughter is a sweet little girl but the peasants soon began to despise her. Because unknown to her the high chancellor has begun to slowly turn the empire into a corrupted form of itself and feeds off the peasants for all they have. The kingdom's citizens revolt and the military is split. In a roleplay setting we'd play aspiring knights who go onto become kings guard and then have to choose between the rebellion, and her royal majesty. There'd maybe be a prophecy about the great future of the princess, and other foreign countries assisting the rebels to make things more interesting. Ideally this would be advanced but i'm not confident in describing what I'm saying to people, or writing too much just to let it die off instantly. The conflict would be: Do you side with the rightly outraged citizens of the empire? Extorted, and backed into a corner by its former benevolent rulers? Or do you side with the princess they want to depose who truly wants to be a good queen but is simply being puppeted by people far older than her. Is it right to put her head on a pike for her council's choices when she has no real control just yet? Brother against brother and all that.