Being directed to the staircase was a bit of a surprise. Hisano gave the bouncer a look over before she turned her attention to the stairs in front of her. She grabbed onto the rail as she made her way upwards and around up to the top. She looked around, trying to figure out where they might take her. As she was led further into a backroom, her heart began to sank. Was it too late to back out and change her mind? Say she was joking? She didn't know what to expect but she didn't feel exactly welcomed or safe at the moment, causing her senses to heighten. The smoke from the cigarettes were calming, almost. But still, Hisano was filled with renewed uncertainty and didn't know what to expect. So far, her night was one big twist that found refuge in her stomach. She turned when the bartender shut the door behind them. Oh crap. Was she going to be murdered now? She whirled around and felt her shoulders and fists tighten. The man asked about Tommy and she stayed quiet. Was this the guy she was supposed to find? Was he right under her nose this whole time or was this some kind of test? Hisano wasn't even sure how the death would be taken. Was Tommy a friend or on more questionable terms. She studied the grey man before she puckered her lips as though she had just take a shot of lemon juice. "Well it's hard to say exactly where he is...last I checked he was back at the office, a few bullets cut through him." She told the man. "Whatever shit he got himself into I guess caught up with him." She gave a shrug, trying to stay more aloof than emotional, not wanting to breakdown and show weakness now. "He was my best friend." She said quietly, unable to stop herself. "I'm just trying to figure this mess out, I guess I'm always suck cleaning up his shit." She glanced off. Hisano still couldn't believe he was gone. She wished he hadn't made such piss poor choices in life as it now led to his death. Still, the pink haired woman was kind and couldn't walk away until she knew her friend's issues had been resolved. It was trouble and her gut was urging her to just walk away but she couldn't. "I don't know why he wanted me to come here but I'm here so..." Her voice trailed off, her gaze still off toward the collection of crates.