[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bYFakMn.png[/img] [hr] [h3]Armend Kinora ⚔[/h3][/center] [indent][color=orange][b]"Wrong with me? what's wrong with you? You'd think for a woman so manly-looking that you'd know the desire strength, for status and power."[/b][/color] Armend ended up jolting up from the table, his teeth gritted as he confronted, Clara's malice with his own. He hadn't the patience or control to keep his temper in check for much longer. It was good that Cyrus had cut in and led them outside, else that room would've been rattled and dirtied. As they stood outside, Armend's fist tended to clench and unclench, though his posture was lax, indifferent even. He growled in his throat, hearing her disgust at [i][b]his [/b][/i]way of life. Once Cyrus' attention had turned to him, Armend would only shoot Clara his defiance. It came in the form of his hard blue eyes and furrowed brows. [color=orange][b]"Everything she said is true. She believes that monsters are the only way to be great. To hell with all that. I find my battles where I can. When I see strength I challenge it. When she sees strength anywhere that's not some mindless beast, apparently she runs from it. Calls it stupid."[/b][/color][/indent]