MST - Thanks, overlooked Drummer but I think because he's missing a char pic. Drummer - GET ME A CHAR PIC! I posted the CS in the mean time. AnriuSB - Marrie HAS to be immune to be in the CDC program, as was stated above. So, PM me and let me know if you want Ivy to be immune or not and I'll adjust, but Marrie has to be. Also, wonderful post, I'm glad you took Anders and ran with him, I cannot stress how much I LOOOOOVE players taking initiative with shit like that. Mr Ozias - Saw your PM, and since Exit mentioned you'd be coming along, I'll let you slide in late. I'm going to check you PM with the sheet and sample, SOME time today. I'm going to be running a lot of errands. Be patient. Dark - your character is more than fine. Trust me, if I see issues, I tell them. Granted, I'm NOT the biggest fan of people RPing kids in zombie apoc RPs, but that's mainly just becaus I wouldn't do it. I'm gunna be doing a SHIT TON of running around today and will only be accessing the site on my phone occasionally. Speak amongst yourselves! As of right now, the plan is to go LIVE with the IC no later than Sunday, but if we want, I may bump it up. We'll see. Az