[@KatherinWinter] [@EurmalEye] [@Silverstein] [@HumanMusic] [@knifeman] [@AllHollowsEve] [b][u][i]Azeal and Sora[/i][/u][/b] "[i][color=f26522]Zombies...Why did it have to be Zombies?[/color][/i]" Azeal thought as he listened to the elder as he gave them their exercise, silently groaning at the thought of this scenario. It's not that he didn't "like" Zombies. But they were like a combination of cockroaches and rabbits, resilient and able to multiply at alarming rates of time...which made them a very annoying enemy to fight. There was also one other factor as he looked at the Reaper at his side, gripping the glove on one of his hands with his other hand. Looking at that, Azeal Raised his hand to get the Elder's attention. "[b][color=f26522]Scuse me boss, but I think the Reaper here either needs some kind of Handicap, or to not participate altogether.[/color][/b]" Azeal bluntly said. "[b][color=000000]What? Why?[/color][/b]" Sora asked, befuddled that Azeal would say this out of the blue like that. "[b][color=f26522]Cause its Zombies.[/color][/b]" Azeal simply said. "[b][color=000000]But that's why I should be a part of this exercise. I am suppose to eliminate undead for-[/color][/b]" "[b][color=f26522]Yeah, and that's exactly why you need to either hold back, or bail out. You can show off however you want when an actual occurance of Zombie outbreak occurs whenever you like. But it kinda nulls the whole point of this [i]'team'[/i] exercise when you hog the spotlight here. This sounds annoying enough as it is without the potential repeat. Much rather we get this over and done with the first time around.[/color][/b]" Azeal said to Sora, scratching the back of his head with an exhausted tone as he did. The annoynace he had could be heard in that groaning voice of his. Sora looked to the ground in dismay, before taking a deep breath and calming down. "[b][color=000000]But as a Demon yourself, wouldn't you require a handicap as well?[/color][/b]" Sora asked him. "[b][color=f26522]...Touche'. ...Alright. You lose the Scythe and keep your gloves on, and I'll keep fire inside. We'll do this the classic way.[/color][/b]" Azeal told him as he grabbed his gun from his holster and cocked it. "[b][color=000000]Understood.[/color][/b]" Sora simply said.