[hider=Hector] [img]https://thezombieblognet.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/zombie-survivor.jpg[/img] Name: Hector Miles. Age: 20 Profession: Trooper. Description: Stands up to a height of 6'1, weighs 205 and is built for heavy lifting and fighting. He has a scruffy beard along with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. He mostly wears his gear since he never likes to stay within the settlement for to long. His skin is rather tanned thanks to him being in the outdoors most of the time and a small scar rest above his left eye from a close call in his past runs. History: Hector can't seem to remember much about his past, but from what he was told at the age of seven as awoke within the settlement of Lasthope was that he was found in the trunk of a torn apart bloodied car. Many corpses were found there, but there was no way they could tell who was his parents. Hector tried to feel sad in his situation, but couldn't bring himself to shed a single tear. He knew he had just lost his family, but the problem was that he couldn't remember anything. Not his past, not his family, hell not even his own name! Not a single memory came to him, only a clouded, frustrated mind. Mixed with the frustration was fear and almost maddening confusion, but there was nothing he or any of his saviors could do about it. He simply had to live with not knowing and put his trust with the people who saved him. Luckily he was right to do so as the settlement accepted him without a problem and even gave him a proper name. Hector grew up living with other kids without families and thought he would have at least a connection with one of them, but Hector felt out of place and simply avoided contact with them. Instead he would travel along the settlements walls and over look the surroundings with a few of the men on watch. They never minded his company, but the people watching him always scolded him for leaving their sights without their promotion. He never cared though and simply continued to venture along the walls. Soon though, at the age of eleven he decided to venture over the walls to see the world the adults tried so hard to keep away from him. He took a knife and a little bit of food and water and traveled into a nearby forest. He wandered the forest with wonder and felt himself become rather free and full of life. He even found it to be fitting to stay the night within the forest. He would quickly regret that though as he was attacked in the night by a few of the undead. He ran back towards the settlement, but became lost and could only yell for help. His attempts to find help only attracted more undead to him and soon he was almost overcome with their numbers. He would have died in that forest had it not been for a group of mounted patrolling troopers. They barely saved him and returned to settlement for Hector to be greet with an even harsher scolding than usual. Though he was scolded by his caretakers he glanced towards his saviors and smiled. They were fighters and that is what Hector wanted to be. He wanted to be able to protect himself and others from the horrible fate that has befallen so many. From that day forward he trained his body and mind to deal with the harsh reality of the world. He even made it a personal goal for himself to travel a bit farther away from the settlement so he could have an idea of the landscape and which paths were the right ones to take. As the years went on he grew stronger, quicker and more informed of the world and became a trooper. Though sometimes he continues to venture off he always does his job and helps the settlement whenever he is needed. 1. Strong- Hector has made sure in his hours of training that he can be able to lift any large object that may be in his way. Though he can't quiet lift up cars he has been able to move crates filled to the brim with supplies. His strengths has even toughened up his skin so he can take a bit of damage while giving it right back. 2. Fighter- He won't say he likes bashing in skulls, but he loves bashing in skulls. He has been taught how to use all types of weapons from blunt objects, to blades of different sizes and even long ranged weapons like bows and on a few special occasions firearms. Through he always likes to keep to his tomahawks. 3. Brave- Hector is like any man and fears death, but he has faced it many times even when he could have avoided such close calls. He has taken on hordes head on to insure others escape and even risked his life to get something of importance for the people and the settlement. No matter the danger Hector will face it head on without the slightest hint of hesitation. [/hider]