They were not automatic weapons, they were semi-automatic rifles modified to simulate Automatic action/operation (Bump Stock) this is an important difference many people are skimming over. It was neither a large cache nor unusual when you consider that acquisition wasn't difficult for him (having no criminal records or documented history of Mental illness, which is likely the majority of mental illness btw, anywhere from 30-60%) and that this attack was clearly plotted in advance. His own brother calls him a multi-millionaire, explaining his lack of work: any person with a cursory knowledge of finance can easily turn a couple million into cash for life, even if he is always gambling. Provided he doesn't play like a moron he should be fine. ISIS claims responsibility for everything, their track record is not accurate in the least, they most they can honestly claim is to have [i]inspired[/i] attacks. They already learned from media outlets that being the 'First on the Scene' is often more important than telling the truth. I don't know nor have I ever heard of his girlfriend and I'm unsure what you mean about her being well known, though the FBI is saying that she is not a suspect, is not under arrest, and that she has returned to the US of her own accord, despite rumours of being sent over 100000$ by Paddock while in the Phillipines. Being a person of interest does not mean you are an accomplice. The FBI also says he has zero connections to any terrorist organizations. The man's father doesn't really hold any relevance, aside from perhaps as a random curiousity in the case? The same goes for his lack of social media presence, the man is relatively old, and quite a few of his generation simply have little to no interest in social media. Staying there for several days is almost a necessity, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to prepare himself the way he did, it also likely gave him ample opportunity to choose whether or not to attack as well as when. Finally, setting up a CCTV is rather simple over the distances involved. This is a disturbed person. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] The only bit that is unusual/remarkable about him is the final moments of his life. Unless you mean unusual as uncommon, in which case, yes, he fits the bill by simply by being severely mentally disturbed. Everything else is merely trying to elevate this psycho above what he actually is. Unless of course absolutely everything we are being told is a lie, and this is some sort of false-flag activity by some deep-state organization. ^.- Of course I am open to any links that can be provided. Most of what you are saying seems to be highly misconstrued though.