[center][h1][color=9400D3] Sophia Grandeur [/color][/h1][/center] Sophia listened to the conversation behind her, the three of them introducing themselves and seemingly having the intent to move together, at least if the somewhat painfully pointed words of the somewhat short boy who'd first starting talking. Nevertheless, Sophia felt no real inclination to wait for them or move back so she simply continued onwards, to her surprise the plain brown-haired boy elected to follow her instead, informing her his name was Callum. Sophia spoke in return, [color=9400D3]"Ah, my name is Sophia, I also come from Stairia, much to my regret. Your fear is realistic, but I for one will not be taking no for an answer, one way or another."[/color] She knew that several towns laid on the border between countries and thus were constantly a source of conflict, only making the mostly small villages resentful of both sides. With that she continued walking downward into the valley, her long legs eating ground at a respectable rate, not quite a jog but not a relaxed walk either. [color=9400D3]"It seems I'm going to have to spend at least a night here, so it would be best to cover as much ground as possible and find somewhere to spend it. I don't know if anything lives here other than dragons, but I'd rather not find out at all, much less in the middle of the night yes?"[/color] Sophia seemed unused to the concept of travelling with another person and thus only referred to herself. After-all, for most of her travels company was something to be avoided as a young girl travelling alone, rather than sought out. Further-more her interactions with people had been primarily limited to servants, total strangers, and innkeepers, so some awkwardness was to be expected.