[@Bishop] First: I'm not accepting your character, in fact, in my opinion at it's current state the sheet isn't worth my time. If you had bothered to read other stuff mentioned, you would have noticed the first sheet submitted had the issue of having a real image, and I said I would not accept that. After noticing you had a real image, I quickly skimmed the sheet, to see if there were any other major issues or if maybe you just weren't paying attention for that one thing. I deemed it an unforgivable offense, because not only is your relic barebones, it has no downside mentioned. They are called cursed relics for a reason, and until you fix these errors, I'm not going to waste my time with your sheet. [@NarcissisticPotato] Flintlock. Nothing like today's guns though. [quote=@Bishop] [@NarcissisticPotato] Guns? Filthy pleb, who needs guns when you have magic. [/quote] Magic? Have you been reading anything? Seriously. There's no 'full blown magic', at least not in the traditional sense, closest thing to magic our characters will achieve is the relics.