[hr][center][color=808B96][color=ff00f5][h2][b]Yony[/b][/h2][/color] Southeastern Mir - The Fall[/color][/center] [hr] “[color=ff00f5]Ain’t feel dangerous, oke. Back dat way though? Koud as fok.[/color]” Xell suppressed surprise hearing the boy’s raspy voice crackle quietly not far from him. A initial glance making him take a second. The flashlight the otter had attached to his head appeared to have been turned off at first. But with the second glance he realized it was just the effect of looking at the brighter lights they were all carrying. The torch was still on, but a dim red color, the pink coated youth moving it around the paths behind them slowly and fluidly. He moved back the way they came some and crouched in front of a tree, still scanning back the way they’d come while the newcomer was called out.