[quote=@Bishop] I..I..understood* everything but didn't remember it well. Still sucks though as I tried so hard to make the cs bad that it gets no appreciation. I mean the whole point was to make it so bad that it goes past the cringe and shit meter to funny at how actually damn bad it is. [/quote] Yeah. Well, there's a point where it's "lol, that's so funny." and then there's "wow. that's just...awful." You can't make the entire character with the goal of it being shit, otherwise, guess what: It's going to be shit. Not funny. [quote=@Bishop] Assassin is a profession, not a personality or character type. You can be a serial killer and a banker, or a serial killer and a husband who owns a bakery. Character personality and profession are separate. [/quote] Assassins have requirement. Believe it or not, you can't be a professional assassin at 13. Secondly, assassins don't take eyeballs, or write messages on the walls in their targets blood. Those are serial killer traits, hence why Angel said he seems more like a serial killer than an assassin. [quote=@Bishop] Hmm, I prob should've asked beforehand if you accepted a character who could be there for comic relief. Was kinda tired of every RP having characters with full backstories on everything, with overused realistic personality types(yes there is no personality type you could show me that is original), actual goals to achieve etc etc. [/quote] Yes, you most certainly should have, because if you had asked us: "Can I make the most bareboned shit character for the sake of lols" we would have responded like such "Sure, but we won't be accepting it."