[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/io5AHjt.png[/img] [color=f49ac2][u][i]Location[/i][/u][/color] [b]VILLAIN PSYCHOLOGY[/b] [@Norschtalen][@Silver Carrot][@Aerandir][@pkken][@Artymis][@Lucius Cypher][@Zeroth][@Heartfillia][@rechonq][/center] The first touch made Tomoe grew a bit pink, her expression in amazement at how amazing they felt. She kept at it for a while longer while Mako clearly had noticed that Tomoe was the harbinger of this vicious attack. Tomoe was told to let go of Miss Mako in 5 seconds or she would receive the honor of triple detention. [center][color=f49ac2]"O-oh! Miss Mako I never felt something amazing as this bef-..."[/color][/center] T-Triple detention! From her playful smile her expression turned into a somewhat horrid one as if she had seen death. Detention was never a good thing, the teacher got their full attention at you for about an hour so you couldn't sleep and have to work most of the time. Tomoe was about to let go but she was taken off guard by a certain somebody from the past calling out to her. Tomoe timidly turned her head at the new person that was apparently also in her class. It was another tall blonde boy, what did tall blonde boys have with her today. Tomoe gazed at him with deadpan look on her face. [center][color=f49ac2]"Who are you again?..."[/color][/center] It wasn't the same boy as before yet he said the same thing to her. Did she look like someone else perhaps? The boy went on about how his hair had grown longer since the last time they had met Tomoe squinted and stared at his face for a bit longer but she couldn't tell. She gave a short troubled sigh as a hand suddenly grabbed hold of her arm. Her arm was pulled away from the hold she still had on Mako. She only now noticed that she had been holding Mako for this whole time. Tomoe turned as pale as a ghost as she trembled and shivered in her steps. She was dead, Tomoe slowly also let the other hand go off miss Mako feeling a bit shocked at her careless actions. Her vision was focused on the mad Dulga that was still tightly holding her arm. This was a bit scary, Dulga told her to stop with this stupidity. Tomoe gave a quick nod feeling a little overwhelmed by Dulga. After she was back to the ground she took a few steps back and took whatever Mako would throw at her what Dulga didn't tell her yet. Tomoe looked back at Roy again after finishing business with Mako still giving her occasionally inconspicuously peeks off course. Tomoe tilted her head to the side and gave him a confused look. Now to figure out who this person was. She has been rather forgetful of people all her life which was a bad habit off course but at least she had a special talent to compromise that problem. By feeling someone their skin she can tell who this person is from her memory. Names were a drag to remember. [center][color=f49ac2]"Excuse me for digging in."[/color][/center] Tomoe slowly pulled Roy his shirt up till his belly was shown. Tomoe placed one hand onto his belly and short after the other one too. She moved both hands over his belly rubbing softly and tenderly. With a bliss on her face she continued to rub the soft skin, she seemed to enjoy it more then she was actually trying to solve who this person was. Tomoe withdrew her hands back to herself seeming quite pleased with the result. She poked a finger out at his chest while looking up at him with a cheerful look on her face. [center][color=f49ac2]"Oh. Oh! You're from the hospital, the one with the weird tattoos, the nurse told me you always joined me in my bed when I was asleep!"[/color][/center] He could have just asked instead of doing it in stealth all the time. Tomoe wasn't that difficult with more comfort and warmth in her bed. Tomoe gave a short playful sneer at him for harassing him with those facts. She then gave him a short hug while playfully rubbing her head against his chest. She liked to touch others a lot.