[Center][h2]Ryan Dwyer-Trainyard[/h2] [@yoshua171][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][@ProPro][@Old Amsterdam][/center] Heartless adjusted his jacket a little and sighed, he never worked heists with others before so this was a little new for him. He rummaged through his pockets and made sure he had everything he needed, taser, rope, thick cloth to muffle screaming, emergency knife and gun, looked like everything was good to go. He pressed a small button on his helmet and his voice scrambler turned on, making his voice deeper and a bit electronic sounding. [color=darkgray]"Headhunter, I'm gonna emerge behind one of those guards and taze them. Could you disable the other with a tranquiliser or something when I do so?"[/color] He asked Headhunter quietly, glancing at everyone quickly to gauge their reactions to his plan.