Fear, terror, and so many more emotions was what rang true in Thaliar's ears as the voice of Dane's captive were carried by a gush of cold, winter wind towards the duo left there. It was no questioning what was the cause of alarm; Kan. Thaliar was more than satisfied to have the brute of a man on his side, for several obvious and less obvious reasons. Intimidation was one. The green eyes that caught the elf's dark brown however, sent a shiver down his spine, but only for a moment. It was Kamri, another Companion in their now shrunk group of rebels. The race of Werebeasts hadn't exactly been looked favourably upon by Thaliar's kin, quite the contrary. They were seen as, indeed, beasts of the night, murderers and sadists with a thirst for human blood. And he recalled for a moment the tales his mother told him about creatures like Kamri laying waste to whole villages. Kamri however, Thaliar knew, wasn't like that. She was a Companion. Bloody and brutal, yes, but one couldn't argue that Thaliar's powers were painless either? Thaliar sent a grateful nod in her direction as she began to give Rook much needed clothing. "As long as you stop calling me Boss, Kamri; You know that Zula didn't approve of the looting all that much...Rest his spirit eternaly in Harmony." Thaliar said to the green-eyed Werebeast, before turning to Rook. "Not too far from here, you should be fine until then. It's nothing much, but it'll have to do. As soon as Dane and his friends are ready, we should get moving."