[center][h2][color=ec008c]Ira Riese:[/color] [color=dodgerblue]PHQ - Class is Definitely (not) in Session[/color][/h2] [@BCTheEntity][@Lugubrious][@ProPro][@yoshua171][@Old Amsterdam][/center] Decoy's explanation raised more questions than it answered, for Ira at least. She held her tongue restrained herself from asking a million questions, and it showed on her face this time; a deep breath cleared the curious expression, though the fact that she checked to make sure no one saw was telling. At the mention of Herme's, Ira started. She had been collecting all the information she could, and the fact that he had been involved in illicit activities hadn't come up. Everyone had been surprisingly tight lipped, and if she didn't know better, she would've assumed he had been told to stay away from the Wards.Though, with this new information, that option became a lot more likely. He could easily have some sort of Master power, or even be under the influence of one. Corrupting the next generation of heroes was probably high on the 'avoid at all costs' list. The information he had provided was invaluable though, apparently, and the role Hermes had in the raid he, Inkscape, and Protean had preformed clarified with this context. She had to assume he had played a similar role in that context, considering how major a blow to the Bratva it was purported to be. The new information he had provided had shown a Community rally was taking place, and that the Wards could use that to investigate an active location when it came to illegal goods. Lillian's chatter brought Ira out of her head, but she was already two sentences in. It was strategy planning, and Ira was kind of embarrassed that she had zoned out during that of all things. She waited a beat before contributing to make sure she didn't interrupt anyone else. [color=#3068FF][b]”I can help you scout with my goggles on hand to assess any threats. I also recently finished a device, and I think this would be a great time to field test it."[/b][/color] As she spoke she removed a bracelet from her pocket. It was a bit thicker than a normal bracelet, with a dark blue color and a raised button that had a power symbol on it. [color=#3068FF][b]"I already got it approved by Decoy, but I made a device to help increase Evely-I mean Tulpa. To help increase Tulpa's effectiveness. It lets her more easily assist with scouting distant areas, by allowing her projection to instantly move to my location. I think it also increases her scouting range, but I'm not quite sure about that. Sometimes my power feels like more art than science."[/b][/color] Ira read the room as best she could, her eyes lingering on Decoy and Tulpa for a bit longer than the others.