Jax listened quietly, happy that she didn't insult him and sad again that he seemed so lonely at times. Jax didn't know what type of loneliness. No one ever judged her the way she judged him and on her part, she always seemed to make friends easily. She just did what she wanted to do and talked to whomever she pleased with unwavering confidence and friends followed. Even when she was a little chubby she was always one of the first to help the teacher or compete in sports. Being shy was something unnatural to her and being bullied was something she just never allowed happen. The one attempt led to her getting expelled for breaking the teeth of some young boy, but other than that she was always close to her family and friends. She saw loneliness through her sister. Ophelia was more timid, strong and serious but shyer when it came to people. Jax felt bad that she never even tried asking her sister about that. She paused hearing Morthos talk about getting new clothes and she smiled. She spoke softly,"[color=39b54a]Oh...I can help you with that...I'm great at...[/color]" Suddenly she heard a snore and stopped dead in her tracks. She looked over at Morthos sleeping face and bit her lip. Must be the alcohol. She lifted up slowly trying not to wake him as she grabbed a blanket from her pillow. She placed it over him very gently, so at least he would be warm overnight. She then grabbed another that had fallen on the floor and pulled it over Hargul and herself. She snuggled back onto the pillow and then whispered very very slowly more to herself then Morthos,"[color=39b54a]I promise that I will get you friends and a girlfriend so that you don't have to feel alone like that anymore. I'm a hero you know. Saving people is what I do! It's what I'll always do.[/color]" She nodded to herself, not realizing that the last sentence said more about her own loneliness then she was willing to admit to herself. She shut her eyes letting the drugs and alcohol take her away, the dull pain finally fading away with conSciousness.