[hider= Onyx Bright ] [center] [h1][b][i][color=a0410d]Onyx Bright[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e0/3d/6f/e03d6fdfc3a0e8b309b3fafb2fffd51b.jpg[/img] [b][color=a0410d][i]"Now, you choose. The weapon, or life. I can't very well heal you if you're aiming a sword at me." "Kirara! Where did you go little brother?"[/i][/color][/b] [hr][hr] [h2][b]Character Summary[/b][/h2] [b][color=a0410d]Name:[/color][/b] Onyx Akili Bright [b][color=a0410d]Aliases:[/color][/b] Onyx, Bri'nx [b][color=a0410d]Age:[/color][/b] 119 [b][color=a0410d]Birthday:[/color][/b] August 30th [b][color=a0410d]Race/Species[/color][/b] Hayllian [b][color=a0410d]Gender[/color][/b] Female [b][color=a0410d]Birthplace[/color][/b] Eyota [b][color=a0410d]Jewel color (Birthright and Offering)[/color][/b] Purple Dusk to Sapphire [b][color=a0410d]Class/Caste[/color][/b] Healer: a witch who specializes in healing physical wounds and illnesses. Equal in rank to a Priestess and a Prince. [i]Healers are a vital addition to Blood society because they are the ones who heal the physical bodies. Unlike Black Widows who are healers of the mind, Healers are instinctually drawn to the art of healing the body. They have an inborn knowledge of the methods and theories they should be using, but additional training is required for society to consider them "fully trained" and thus fully trusted to act with the authority of medicine on their side. Healers are often thought to be much like Queens, especially in their single minded tendency to think their own life is less important than all those around them. Because of this, Protocol demands that any unmarried Healer is required to have an escort to accompany her, so she doesn't harm herself while she performs her Craft. It would be too easy for a Healer to completely drain herself in seeking a healing, as their self preservation instinct suffers.[/i] [b][color=a0410d]Languages[/color][/b] Common, Hayllian, Kindred [b][color=a0410d]Occupation[/color][/b] Medic/Healer when needed, Artist by trade. She works on projects in many branches of the arts- from drawing and painting to writing songs and stories to dancing and playing musical instruments. She works under masters Kimili’ka and Tarentek, keepers of the Ka’tek House of the Arts. [hr][hr] [h2][b]Appearance[/b][/h2] [b][color=a0410d]Height:[/color][/b] 6'0" [b][color=a0410d]Weight:[/color][/b] 155 lbs [b][color=a0410d]Body Type:[/color][/b] Ectomorph [b][color=a0410d]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Brown, almost Black [b][color=a0410d]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Dark Chocolate Brown [b][color=a0410d]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Nutmeg [hr][hr] [h2][b]Character psychology[/b][/h2] [b][color=a0410d]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Demiromantic Asexual [b][color=a0410d]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] [s]Single[/s] - widowed. She married her husband almost 100 years ago, and he died only a year later. She doesn’t talk about him much, or even really remember much about their time together- only how he died. [b][color=a0410d]Personality:[/color][/b] She likes to be alone, rather than spending time with a group. Because of this, she is sort of left out of everything. This doesn’t bother her though- she doesn’t care because she doesn’t want to have to feel like she can’t say what’s on her mind. If people will listen, she will speak with them, but otherwise leave her be and she won’t bug you either. In general she’s a calm person, usually happy enough in her day-to-day life that you’d catch her humming a tune at any point in the day. In interactions with people -no matter who they are- she is polite and soft-spoken, unless you manage to make her angry. Kindred, on the other hand… she loves all kindred and feels a deep connection to the rest of the world through them. She is highly respectful of the Kindred and often will treat them better than any people she meets. She’s very Determined and sticks to her values like glue, but she is also Impulsive. She will make a decision and go with it, but in making a choice she rarely thinks past the immediate future, and often doesn’t consider her own well-being when other’s are at stake. She will keep trying towards her goals until she figures out how to get there no matter how many times she may fail. She is Strategic, and trusts her intuition because in most cases so far, it’s been right. She is Kind, and Patient, always willing to help others if they ask, though she will leave them to their own devices once she’s done all she thinks is needed. She will not stay with someone if they ask her to- she doesn’t trust in others enough in order to abandon her solitary comfort for long. In a fight, she’s better with strategy and quick moves than drawn-out battles. She works best alone as otherwise she feels that she’s always trying to compensate for the rest of group. That said, having Kirara at her side in a fight is a welcome comfort to her, as he is actually a very smart ally. Onyx doesn’t worry much about the state of the world or how it got that way. The past and her own history mean little to her, and she doesn’t worry for the future at all either. She would prefer to live completely in the moment. [b][color=a0410d]Habits:[/color][/b] When she is Nervous, Fearful, or Worried she will tend to clasp her hands together to keep them still, otherwise she will busy herself with some project or another to keep others from seeing the tremor there. When she is happy she will hum or sing quietly to herself, unknowingly most of the time. When she is sad or thinking about something that is better left unspoken of, she will be silent and her eyes tend to narrow as she filters out the rest of the world, trying either to get the thoughts off her mind or to simply force herself into a tunnel vision in order to focus better on her current tasks (either way, she becomes significantly less aware of the world around her). When she’s angry, if she’s not openly showing it, the only tell will be that she’d glare at the person who’s causing her rage. If she’s hiding her anger, it means she’s actually weighing out the risks of confronting the person themselves. In terms of her routine, she tends to wake up early in the mornings, staying up late into the nights- even till dawn if she can get away with it. If She didn't need to sleep, she wouldn't. She will spend time alone as often as possible, as social situations are draining and mostly unwanted to her. [b][color=a0410d]Hobbies:[/color][/b] All the Artsy Stuff. [b][color=a0410d]Fears:[/color][/b] Swimming, and by extension: drowning and large bodies of water like the sea or oceans. [b][color=a0410d]Likes:[/color][/b] The colors Yellow, dark Blue, and Purple. Night-time, warm weather, being outside, and spending time alone or with Kindred. [b][color=a0410d]Dislikes:[/color][/b] Large Crowds, Lakes and Rivers, Sailing and Boats, and Complete Silence. [h2][b]Skills[/b][/h2] [b][color=a0410d]General Skills[/color][/b] Cooking, drawing, painting, dancing, singing, playing various instruments, performing, acting, writing music, coming up with and writing stories, etc. [b][color=a0410d]Combat skills[/color][/b] Bow and arrows, Staffs, Mace and other such blunt weapons, hand-to-hand, and throwing knives. [b][color=a0410d]Magic skills[/color][/b] Healing, illusions (Visual and Auditory), Air manipulation (non-weaponized). [hr][hr] [h2][b]History[/b][/h2] [b][color=a0410d]Background[/color][/b] Onyx was born almost 120 years ago, and her mother died shortly after. Her father raised her for eight years, until her birthright ceremony when she met her godfather, Tarentek. Her mother never wanted her father to have Paternity, so he was only allowed to raise her until she received her first Jewel- Purple Dusk. She still lives with her Godparents, Tarentek and his wife Kimili’ka, to this day. When she was 17 she met the man she would marry- Krimm Bright. He was the first person she’d ever felt an attraction to in her life. They dated for a year, until finally he asked her to marry him. She went through her Offering Ceremony the night of their wedding, and gained her Sapphire gem. That’s where her memories end when it comes to Krimm. From what she’s been told by her godparents, he died to save her life. Kimili’ka erased her memories of it in order to keep her from breaking from the grief. She couldn’t heal her, her memories had to be erased entirely. In the next years, Onyx’s preference towards solitude began to emerge. The more time she spent alone, the clearer her thoughts became, and she began to use her time to better herself in whatever ways she could. She taught herself about what she could of the arts- seeking out guidance from Kimili’ka and Tarentek when she couldn’t figure something out herself. She learned various fighting forms from Tarentek, and learned as much as she could about medicines and healing magic from Kimili’ka before she had to go to an actual healer to receive the rest of her official training to be a healer. She’s gone on with her life in a blur of colors and learning up until a point about two years ago, when Kimili’ka convinced her to come with her to Scelt. There, she met a young pup named Kirara, and he became her little brother. Ever since that day life has been a bit more interesting, her brother bringing her many, many adventures. It’s for the better- at least she’s not totally alone anymore. [hr][hr] [h2][b]Additional Information[/b][/h2] [b][color=a0410d]Other[/color][/b] [color=f9ad81]Kirara[/color] - Purple Dusk to Sapphire jewelled Warlord Prince Scelt. He met Onyx when he was just a puppy, and chose her as his person within the next few minutes. He loves her and will protect her fiercely form anything he thinks could harm her- including herself and those pesky squirrels. [hider= Appearance][img]http://www.spectralrhapsody.com/pb/wp_0539d73d/images/img22123512ad5d980a57.jpg[/img][/hider] Tarentek - Onyx’s Godfather, and a Prince. He was her mother’s closest friend. Kimili’ka - A Black Widow, and Onyx’s Godmother. [b][color=a0410d]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [color=bf3d3f][i]These patterns represent [b][color=9e0b0f]Impulse[/color][/b][/i]...[/color] [hider= SharaX - Dust][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTr5VsQLtHM[/youtube][/hider] [/center] [/hider]