[color=silver][center][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/eXxIPCG.png[/img][/sub][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/y7XsSPb.png[/img][/center][center][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/center] [indent] The week had been rather dull and boring for the Mossos Clan. After Adrianna had her meeting with Audrey and heard everything she had to say, the matriarch of the family decided it was in everyone’s best interest not to divulge everything that she found out by having a heart-to-heart with Audrey. Of course, she told her son a few things that would satisfy him. She promised him that she would try and see what she could do. As far as Alexandros knew, that’s exactly what she did. And what she told was that Audrey was hurt by his actions and that, if he wanted any chance of having a real shot with her that wasn’t just about the physical attraction, he’d have to take a real, hard look into the mirror, and decide how much he cares about her. She knew he had that side in him, but it would be up to him if he wanted to embrace that side or if he wanted to keep sleeping around with whichever girl would have him. And she told him that in the evening she had the meeting with Audrey. Since then, Alexandros didn’t quite seem like himself. He had an Alexandros-like demeanor, of course. At school, he kept up what people expected of him. Those he had become friends with hadn’t noted any drastic changes, but the one thing that he did seem to be lacking was a desire to mate with anyone. It wasn't as if he had quit cold turkey. There had been offers and he had been [i]dating[/i] girls, but whenever he’d bring them to a private place, there wasn’t exactly any passion thrown into it. He did them just out of necessity and to hold up appearances. But what seemed like a deeper issue, Alexandros felt nothing but it being something he [i]had[/i] to do, not something he [i]wanted[/i] to do. Kind of empty, Alexandros more or less drifted through the week and much into the next week. The following week had been Thanksgiving Break for those at Beverly Hills High School. Some had plans to fly out to Hawaii and other such locations, but the Mossos’, a day before break even started, had been invited to Thanksgiving Dinner by the Huntsberg. It came as a shocker, of course, but Adrianna made it known that they were going. Despite Ava’s protests, she put that to rest. No matter what the kids had to say about not wanting to go or how it might be awkward, Adrianna firmly reminded them it was an invitation from a friend. Not only would it be rude of them to decline the offer, but she had already told Arthur that she would go and her family would accompany. Anyone who knew Adrianna was, whenever she committed to anything or anyone, she went in full measure. Thanksgiving Day had arrived and it was an early morning for the Mossos’. After a family breakfast at about eight in the morning, everyone would shower and get ready to head out. They would travel all travel in two separate cars. Adrianna and Baltazar decided to take Baltazar’s gold Lamborghini while the four kids - Alexandros, Ava, Elias(Eli), and Georgios - would ride in Alexandros’ Red Ferrari. Both cars, of course, were licensed for in-city travel despite being predominantly-racing vehicles. All the necessary adjustments were made to ensure no law enforcement would give them any hassle. Of course, if they would, the Mossos’ were known for being quite generous with the LAPD, so there was a bit of leeway for them; plus it was Thanksgiving. People tend to be a lot less strict on a criminal family like the Mossos Family. [color=mediumturquoise]“I say we just go somewhere else. Even if mom or dad get butthurt, we can just say we got lost.”[/color] Ava suggested. [color=skyblue]“But I want to meet Audrey’s Grandmother!”[/color] Georgie whined, [color=skyblue]“do you know how rare it is to see Miranda without her many assistants at her side? This can be my only chance to get her to notice me!”[/color] Ava rolled her eyes with a scoff, [color=mediumturquoise]“honestly, Georgie, what is your fascination with the Huntsbergs?”[/color] [color=skyblue]“It’s not [i]all[/i] of them; just Audrey and her grandmother.”[/color] He stated, trying to justify his reasoning for wanting to attend the Thanksgiving dinner they were invited to. [color=steelblue]“Just shut up, will you?”[/color] Eli chimed in, annoyed. [color=steelblue]“It’s bad enough they’re making us go; your complaining isn’t making it any easier.”[/color] He let out a sigh, eyes falling to the site of the Huntsberg house. [color=steelblue]“So, this is where she lives huh?”[/color] Eli asked Alex, looking to his brother. [color=dodgerblue]“Yup,”[/color] Alexandros said rather simply. He more or less had nothing to say about the matter. [color=steelblue]“And to think, I’m usually the quiet one. She must’ve really done a number on ya, huh Lexi?”[/color] Eli knew that would get under his skin. It always did in the past. Alexandros chose not to say anything, surprising everyone in the car. Though, before they could get a single word in about how their brother was acting unusually passive, they had rolled up to the house that, while wasn’t nearly as expansive as the Mossos Estate, it still was respectable in size. Given the professions of Audrey’s parents, it wasn’t surprising to either of the Mossos children nor the parents who had pulled up to the driveway just a few minutes before they did how admirable it was. At the least, they could respect the achievement of having such a home without the use of…[i]questionable[/i] funds. When they all got out of the two cars, the six of them stood in the driveway for a moment just to admire the home and, of course, to make sure everyone would remain on their best behavior. Georgie wasn’t a worry nor was Eli. the two of them, unlike their brother and sister, could behave themselves; it was Alexandros and Ava that could be troublesome, so Adrianna would make sure they understood that her demands were crystal clear. [color=9966cc]“Do not embarrass this family. Understand?”[/color] Arianna’s tone was a general in the army, making sure their will was clear. After a forced nod from the two of them, the family made their way from the garage and towards the front door. Adrianna knocked on the door and as it would open, the sight of the over-dressed Mossos Clan was greeted by a suspiciously-cheerful Audrey, who seemed not to notice who it really was at the door because she went from a gleeful smile to what seemed like something less-enthusiastic. For a moment, there was this awkward atmosphere between the Huntsberg teen and the family. They looked at each other, unsure if someone should say something. Eli simply shrugged, not really caring one way or the other; though Alexandros looked to Ava not to say anything while Georgie was in fangirl mode, so he wouldn’t offer anything useful. This led Adrianna and Baltazar to melt the ice, though before Adrianna had the chance, her husband beat her to it. [color=6495ed]“We brought champagne!”[/color] Baltazar said, holding up the extravagant bottle of Krug Clos d’Ambonnay. It was his attempt to break the ice between Audrey's grimacing gaze with the Mossos family. [/indent][/color]