Yvah turns, back to the wall, hands flexing in readiness as she held a combat stance, only to watch the ooze get finally cut down. One hand clenched to a fist, pumping it inward as a victorious gesture. "Alright, Lex!" she cheered from the side with her usual bright beam. The adventure seemed to be turning out much less dire, she thought. She started to walk over toward the felled creature, subtly mimicking the way her friend Daisy would always skip about. "Okay, time to pull Daze out of the goop and on we go!" But soon she started to notice, and the skip in her step faltered. Daisy wasn't moving. The sludge had collapsed, losing its vacuum grip on the tiefling's body. And yet, no struggle. Just face down in the acid. "D-daisy?" said Yvah, feeling her heart suddenly plummet in anxiety. She rushed over, wasting no time in pulling the girl out from the danger. Still nothing. Turning Daisy over, Yvah knelt down beside her. The face was burned badly, emerald skin turned to a sickening ashen and brown color. "Oh," she muttered, but then laughed. It was a tiny utterance, dread suddenly driving her to denial. "Heheh, good one, Daze," she tried to put her smile back on, "What a nice little trick..." Not moving. Not breathing. Yvah started to shake her friend. All she wanted was to be startled, watch the grotesque illusion fade as Daisy would shout, and she could hear that intoxicating laugh again. But it never came.