Well, Cristina wouldn't get involved in either contract unless she literally happened upon any of the involved or got dragged into it, so I'm thinking about possible jobs she could be working on. [@Fat Boy Kyle] The dialogue looks good for me too, makes it far easier to see when different people are speaking. And I've come up with an idea for a wiki entry. I was thinking that the criminal underground would have some signs decided like the shadowmarks in TES: Skyrim, though specific to the City of Telchar. They could then also have signs that marked if an establishment was mage and/or creature friendly, which would be of great use in a city that's as hostile towards them as Telchar. It seems likely that there would also exist some kind of mage underground focused on helping each other remain undetected, and the existence of such marks would be a potential help for any witcher who turned up to investigate Jaspar's death in finding people willing to help them. As I'm already thinking about it I would be more than happy to write up specifics for a wiki entry or two.