Mysva Kortis listened to the excuses that the goon tried to tell himself to justify the act of killing another individual; while Missy was a goon for hire, she had not crossed that line. After all why would you ever want a dead customer as opposed to a [i]indebted[/i] living one? It never made much sense to Missy and fortunately, well at least for now, the collection of loansharks and bookies she worked for agreed in that particular stance of philosophy. [color=00aeef]"Look whatever you say to justify your immoral actions and hate to break it to you, [i]never[/i] killed. Never popped that cherry."[/color] Missy said as she glanced at the corpse for a moment, then focused her attention back to her bat. She tapped it against the ground as she once again began to calculate her end of that potential solution to this particular problem. And that's when she noticed out of the corner of her eye; a kunai was flying towards the armed goon. Maybe he crossed a Triad or something? Well between that, and the earlier statement that guy which chances are he'd break now, Missy decided to just fold them. With that she let go her grasp of the corpse and scampered away. [color=00aeef]"You, also probably that friend, crossed some actual gangsters sugar! Try not to die and think of it as Karma!"[/color] snarked Mysva Kortis as she blew a kiss at the probably-very-dead-quite-soon-goon. Running with her stubby legs, an unfortunate aspect of being a dwarf, she ran to an unlit back alley and hid behind a dumpster. Pulling out her phone she saw that there was a text message from Kolom's Smoked Hogs. Without taking the time to read it Missy wrote down the message [color=00aeef]'Other customer recalled. Sorreh :('[/color] and promptly sent it. She looked from side to side before slumping back against the dumpster and heaving a bit. Placing her hand the gripped the phone against her face Missy grumbled, [color=00aeef]"That took far longer than it should have... And I [i]still[/i] have others to visit. [b]Great[/b], just what I needed."[/color] [@Spriggs27] [@Warborn123]