[quote=@Caits] [@CirusArvennicus] [@Zarkun] [@Burthstone] [@YipeeXD] [@Expolar] [@Joshua Tamashii] [@Roseletta] [@Lugubrious] [@Hatakekuro] [@t2wave] [@Lmpkio] [@Lunarlors34] [@Krayzikk] [@Onarax] [@BladeSS4] [@Noodles] [@TechnoWizROK] [@Oblivion666] [@PandaBrady][@baraquiel] Okay Guys and girls. I need ya to help me here. Please look at the wonderful list T2wave put together, [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKrd-7pxfEKwq1vGNamsJg_YRa7ViHnRtqrwShIICnc/edit?usp=sharing]here[/url] and see if i put the ones i remembered into the right guilds, and can you also tell me what guild your other characters are in? Cause I just realised that half the CS's don't have the guild in them. And I... can't remember where everyone is place. Holy hell. That's a lotta mentions. [/quote] you forgot Ryu Yashia he is phoenix wing and is the profile below raiden yashia in the same post