She was about to answer Aiden when a couple of things happened at once; one, was her opponent blinking out of sight just as she connected and then hitting her from behind, and two, as she was doing her best to recover from being hit by her own counter, she saw Mika get punted down the block. “Shit” Silvi could feel her frustration mounting; her semblance could let her see how her opponent was likely to move, even before [i]they[/i] consciously committed to an attack, but this ‘jumping’ had no tells…or at least none she’d spotted yet. [i][color=red]If fighting with others, don’t let yourselves get separated by your opponents. If you split up let it be on your terms.[/color][/i] “Aiden, on me!” She yelled as she pointed to where Mika had come to a stop. Her mind was working in over drive, but one of the key things her aunt had really impressed on her during their infrequent training sessions was developing the ability to [i]think[/i] and act quickly even in the middle of a fight. With the flick of a finger, she reset [i]Aegis Hammer[/i] to ‘combat power’ and swapped [i]Moonlight Shard[/i] to ‘ranged’ mode. Slamming her shield to the ground, as she triggered the Dust, she tucked herself on top of it as she did. The gravity charge tried to push away the object in front, and when (unsurprisingly) that didn’t work the force was directed to other way, the end result being that Silvi was launched in a moderately controlled fashion towards Mika. [i]As[/i] she did that, she fired three shots around Aiden, creating a very temporary barrier of sizzling electricity between the boy and twins. “C’mon short stuff.” She muttered, skidding to a halt beside the smaller girl. Bringing her shield back to the ready, she switched her blade back to ‘melee’ mode at the same time she pulled the trigger and discharged the last of the energy. More modern weapons had safeties to [i]prevent[/i] the user from doing such things as they had a tendency to be both hard on the weapons and be potentially hazardous to the wielder; what it did was ‘trap’ the charge in the blade, where it would then discharge on the first object it struck…or into the user’s hand if the grip wasn’t resistant enough.