Ander noticed a girl in white walking around and staring at him now and then and wondered what she was up too. When she had disappeared he thought about where she might have gone. As the thought struck him, he slid down the roof and leaned over the edge just in time to see the girl finish slipping into the guild. He rolled forward off of the roof and landed on his feet as he walked in himself, curious as to what this person was planning. Terra saw Ander watching something and when Ander met eyes with Terra, he nodded in the direction of the large hallway. Terra nodded in return and excused herself from the bar with the others. She walked over to where ANder nodded and when she peeked around the corner she saw a girl snooping around down the hell. "Eh...excuse me," she said, uncertain of the strangers who ended up in the middle of their guild hall. "Can I help you with anything?" Dremmick was honestly expecting worse when the chians went around his arm. He had to remind himself that this was a guildmate and to not use his powers if he could help it. He did, however, find it a bit amusing that the guy jumped back so as not to be hit in retaliation. When Ris picked to go with Dremmick, he couldn't even keep a smile hidden beneath the bandages. "Awesome, c'mon we should head out before it starts to get dark." While turning to take Ris along with him he looked back at Ander at the door. "You have our 'guest' covered?" he said. "Terra is over there with her now. We should all be fine here, I don't think this person is hostile at the moment," Adner told Dremmick. "Alright then, we'll be back tonight," Drammick finished as he opened the front door and held it for Ris.