[@Zero Hex]Okay, firstly, why are you arguing with me about somebody else's character? I was trying to have a polite conversation with Pleek asking if he would consider making some changes to his character to help him better fit within my setting. My setting is NOT a carbon copy of the typical DCU, it has some unique rules and a theme I'm trying to maintain for Year One. Your interjecting doesn't help things, and only causes a discussion to devolve into an argument. Secondly, he IS certainly superhuman in the Arkham games - and huge, too. But not "throwing jumbo jets around" superhuman. I should also note that the Arkham Games DO take place years into Batman's career, too. Arkham Asylum, the first game, was like seven or eight years in. We're still in year ONE right now, so I'm just trying to keep things a little low key at this point. A wrestler throwing planes around while also being an active wrestler holding events is pretty far out there. And are you really saying that because comic book writers don't care about long term thematic consistency or world building, I shouldn't either?