"In that case, I shall take my effort in appearance as a small advantage," Lunise said. Nothing about the situation was a competition, though her arrogance was rarely completely absent. Lunise kept her hair loose and let its straight length part at her shoulders. After a quick closer look at her make up, she took Meesei's hand and turned to traverse the portal. It took a moment for Lunise's eyes to adjust to the subterranean light. When she rubbed her eyes with a finger and looked up, she took in a slow gasp. Her lips remained slightly parted. Her head turned and raised to behold the sheer size of the nearest tree-sized glowing fungus. She stopped breathing. The rest of the enchanting view rendered her just as awestruck as anyone Meesei had seen in Blackreach for the first time. "Never in all my years," Lunise breathed. "This must be some plane of oblivion. Where have you taken me, Meesei?" [hr] Fendros bit his upper lip in thought. "If that is the case...Sabine might be able to bring forth a spriggan again? No...If it is only one it will not help. Summoned daedra? Hold on..." Fendros lifted hand up to his mouth and stared at the wood of the table. He did not answer for long enough that the others grew curious. Janius leaned forward. "Do you have another idea?" "I may. It may not be liked. It may not even work." "Then say it," Janius said, turning his palm up. "We need any options we can get." "Those wards, if they only detect life, then..." Fendros lifted his eyes. "How many unbutchered corpses do we have stored?"