5 days. 4 OOC comments. Not a single IC post. Ladies and gentlemen, I thought we had an agreement. Did we not agree on a certain level of activity that should be maintained, with the possibility for extensions when addressing the issue OOC beforehand? Because I remember something along those lines. And this, well, this sure is not it. I have made my own share of mistakes, don't get me wrong, but we are currently talking about a very simple action to be taken. It does not take that long to figure out a way to approach it and commit to it via an In Character post. Really, I have been saying the "if I do not see change" things for a while now, but consider this the absolute last one. I do not want to kick out players, but if they do not comply to the rules they themselves set, what am I to do? Those under threat of termination should know who they are. I hope I do not come across as an ass, but I do believe this matter needs to be addressed. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Norschtalen][@Gordian Nought][@Lucius Cypher][@Ryonara]