[center][h1]Dragonfather Grand Cathedral[/h1] [h3][color=palegoldenrod]Akena[/color][/h3][/center] Akena took a long moment to ease out of the fog clouding her mind. When at last she sloughed off the last remnants of her slumber, she realized something was off. She stared at Lexus Dominiel in stunned silence. [color=palegoldenrod]"I felt your presence, but... you're..."[/color] She struggled to find the words. [color=palegoldenrod][i]When did Lexus adopt a humanoid form? What happened?[/i][/color] [quote][color=a187be]"Yes, Prophetess, it is I. We have much to discuss, but for the moment, please take your time getting your bearings. Lady December is nearby, and I shall take you to her whenever you are ready."[/color][/quote] [color=palegoldenrod]"My sister is here?!"[/color] She said excitedly. Akena spun on her heel to see if she was in the building only to be greeted by the sprawling temple complex. It seated over a hundred people in neatly organized rows, and all of them were looking at her so intensely, she could feel their gazes rake across her. The staring made her skin warm nervously and shiver with anxiety. When at last she noticed where she was, she let out a yelp of surprise. [quote]"Who are you to appear so brazenly in the house of the Dragonfather? Though if you are here to offer your respects then you are of course welcome in his presence." [/quote] Akena was taken aback for the third time since waking up. She didn't know if she could stop time, but she was ready to try, so she could at least catch her breath. She darted behind Lexus, too scared to speak coherently. Lexus may be smaller now--for whatever reason--but he was still big and imposing enough to use as a wall to hide behind. She couldn't withstand the stares or the scrutiny for even a second longer. She opened her mouth to speak finally, but Lexus Dominiel replied before she could. [color=palegoldenrod][i]Pilgrims? Dragonfather? What are they talking about?[/i][/color] She nervously tugged on Lexus, and quietly whispered so no one would hear. [color=palegoldenrod]"I don't understand what's going on. Why do you look like that? Who are all these people? Why are they all staring? Don't they know is rude? And why is this temple not consecrated? There's no divine spark. It [i]is[/i] a temple right? And who is this Dragonfather?"[/color] Her words came in a thoughtless rush as she desperately tried to grasp the situation. [quote][color=a187be]"We are...strangers in a strange land."[/color][/quote] [color=palegoldenrod]"You should have told me that sooner!"[/color] She whispered angrily, trying not to shout. Her cheeks were already died a few shades of red. [color=palegoldenrod]"I don't want to stay here anymore. Can we go? I want to see December!"[/color] Seeing Lexus turn his attention to the Earth Priest outside, her gaze followed. She could his connection to some divine being, but couldn't pinpoint the source. The priest on stage, however, was a charlatan as far as Akena was concerned. He had not an ounce of divine magic and strange arcane energy flowed from him freely. [color=palegoldenrod]"Why is the wizard at the pulpit and the priest outside the temple? Do they worship arcanists and magi here?"[/color] Regardless, she recognized the Yuan's look was one of reverent awe rather than irritation or awkward curiosity. At first, Akena didn't understand why he wore such an expression, let alone why it seemed directed at her, but it quickly dawned on her. [color=palegoldenrod]"I think he was overwhelmed by my aura. Should we talk to him? It may help him regain his senses."[/color]