Jax laughed along with Mortho, at the thought of him exploding,"[color=39b54a]Haha! I think you will be alright. My god is generally kind most of the time. It's the priests who might treat you like shit. My sins are excused because I do 'HIS' work but they may not look at you that kindly. Haha, Also you said we snuggled right...[/color]" She paused watching him grow nervous again, and she blushed trying not to make this conversation awkward,"[color=39b54a]It's fine. Believe me, Honey bear I have done a lot more then snuggled with a few of my friends. Just don't let it lead you to feel anything more than friendship. I know that you are so not interested in dating me, but ummm just so you know I don't do the dating thing/love thing. I have plans to be with a really strong mythic when I'm older and I can't let distractions like love get in the way. Not calling you a distraction. You're totally my type, I just like you too much to sleep with you. Well, bang you.[/color]" She blushed bright red,"[color=39b54a] Gah...I just want to be honest.[/color]" Suddenly the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e3/53/6f/e3536f3e22a61e612776332121512608.jpg]church[/url] was above them and she paused just outside of the doors,"[color=39b54a]Maybe it's best you wait out here. I will only be in there a few minutes anyway. I promise though, you can come again with me and I can show you around.[/color]" She looked at him wanting to say something else, but she stopped herself turning back towards the door,"[color=39b54a]I'll be fast.[/color]" She went inside, letting the heavy wooden doors fall back behind her. She leaned against it for a minute before walking down the long corridor between the pews, her heels hitting the marble floors hard as she walked towards Father Douglas. He was a middle-aged man with brown hair and spectacles, his mythic ability was to read peoples souls and she hated that every time he looked at her she seemed like an open book. He turned away from lighting the candles, looking at her solemnly. She looked around at the few other patrons sitting in the pews and then back at him,"[color=8dc73f]Look I'm sorry for...[/color]" He finished for her,"[color=fff200]Being late, drinking, fighting with your sister, sleeping with a 'devil man' and cursing 47 times in the past two days.[/color]" She eyed him sourly,"[color=fff200]The first one. The others I feel no shame for.[/color]" He walked down the few steps, shaking his head,"[color=fff200]Oh I know that too child. Now follow me, let us get you blessed for the day. You're lucky he forgives workers of the faith.[/color]" She followed him through the corridor,"[color=8dc73f]Ya know Douglas we go through this every freaking morning. Do you get tired of being a judgemental ass or does it secretly turn you on?[/color]" Douglas looked over his shoulder laughing lightly,"[color=fff200]I just reflect His judgments, Jax, personally what you do is up to you. I've washed my hands of your sins years ago. They are mild in comparison to the last Exorcist in our midsts.[/color]" She laughed,"[color=39b54a]Oh I've heard of Maxus. What he did to that painting...[/color]" He cut her off, again,"[color=fff200]WAS AN ABOMINATION AGAINST HIS NAME...and should not have been allowed.[/color]" She leaned forward,"[color=39b54a]It was just a dick...[/color]" "[color=fff200]We are here![/color]" He finished, bringing her to a small room with a stone basin set in the center of the stone walls. Renaissance paintings of demons and angels covered the walls highlighted only by candles. She walked over, taking off her jacket and shirt her expression turning serious as she turned around,"[color=39b54a]Well Let's get this over with. I have a friend waiting for me.[/color]" Douglas hissed as he began to speak in Latin, his fingers dipping into the cold water before covering the lines of her tattoo. Jax picked up her cross whispering her own prayers underneath the priests. She felt settled after a few minutes, a calm coming over her as she held her cross. She felt safe protected from the evil from around her. For a second she thought of Morthos cuddling her last night. She felt the same warmth this morning as she felt now. Fear struck her lightly and she kissed her cross. Douglas finished and then took a step back. Jax grabbed her tank-top and put it on slowly. Douglas spoke lightly his words calm,"[color=39b54a]Pride will kill you Jax. That wound on your shoulder is a testament to what you can achieve, but how deep are you willing to let the world hurt you before you reach your goals?[/color]" She didn't look at him, just put on her jacket,"[color=39b54a]Douglas you know exactly how deep. I have to go.[/color]" She turned and he smiled at her warmly,"[color=fff200]I do. Don't be afraid of warmth child. Wherever it comes.[/color]" Jax blushed, shaking her head, before walking out of the corridor,"[color=39b54a]Tomorrow?[/color]" He pats her on the back,"[color=fff200]Tomorrow. Be wise my child. We trust in you.[/color]" She nodded and then headed out the door looking around for Morthos. She found him moments later and spoke in a soft angelic voice,"[color=39b54a]I have finally sworn off booze, men and curse words. I am reborn as an angel.[/color]" Her tone changed to a deep sultry rust,"[color=39b54a]I'm just fucking with ya! SPA?[/color]"