Suddenly, the room began to quake around the group. Everyone was frozen in place almost paralyzed by some higher power. A large crack appeared in a wall towards the far side of the room, and with a blinding flash of red light, a blood portal opened. What stepped through the abomination of magic was someone Arthur never expected to see again.[b] "No" [/b]he whispered, his voice stricken with fear [b] "you can't be here!". [/b]But he was all too real, stepping through the portal in coal black armor. His sword was emanating a dark glow like a contained black hole was stored inside of it. Finally the dark red eyes peering out from the helmet, staring into them and feeling like the very essence of reality itself was being torn apart in front of you. Yes, it was Sovereign King Odisius, fused with the demon lord Asaroth. His voice seemed to fill the room with power and darkness.[u] "You fools dare to intrude into my domain, my kingdom?". [/u] He looked at the group with contempt [u] "you are barely worth my time, insignificant mortals." [/u] Odisius stared down Father Cross before slowly walking across the cobblestone floor to his paralyzed form. [u]“Ah, now what is a priest of the shadow god doing here? “ [/u] he seemed to ponder something for a moment before coming to a decision.[u] “I could have use for a new disciple. You will be coming with me.” [/u] Crosses body was blasted with red energy, and he collapsed on the floor seemingly dead. Glowing black chains crisscrossed around his body, and he was gradually dragged into the portal by an invisible force. [u] “As for the rest of you,” [/u] he pondered the fate of the adventurers again. [u] “I expect you won’t survive long anyway. Suppose I should let my minions have some fun with you.” [/u] He turned his back on the group and walked back through the portal. With a tremor the red gate to who knows where collapsed and simultaneously the paralyzation spell that had afflicted the group dissipated.