[center][h1]~ Chapter 172 ~[/h1] [sub][url=http://www.youtubeonrepeat.com/watch/?v=NokXZAu7tjc&list=FLvUrHX9rlJJOdiiY9_RJKeQ&index=29]Tower Of Chaos 101: The Final War Table Conference[/url][/sub][/center] A day passed. Everyone took their time to reorient themselves after the unexpected confrontation with nearly half of the order at their doorstep. Fortunately, Jeff's technology, paired with a nearly endless stream of robotic servants, was more than enough to repair the damages in less than 24 hours. It never would look or feel the same, but it was done. Alvios seemed to be back to his old self, perhaps even stronger with his naturally high Ki focus. Oswald and Luke fared similarly. Jenso Bruce and Jeff, despite their injuries, had made full recoveries with the aid of Alvios' touch, making the Order's attack on their home almost [i]completely detrimental[/i] to their own well being. For all intents and purposes, Rajaka's plan failed miserably. Everyone sat around the war table, with their individual Blups refusing to communicate any information to them. Jenso, Luke, Bruce and Ross on one side, Jeff, Alvios, and Oswald on the other. It was odd for Mikey to be late, but with recent events, it wasn't [i]that[/i] awkward. He wheeled his into the war-room, slowly scooting past Jenso, Luke, Bruce, and Ross with a warm smile. Luke and Ross glance at him in terror, but the man didn't seem dissuaded at all. For the first time since this fiasco had begun, he seemed free of poisonous thoughts. Mikey parked his wheelchair at the head of the war table, and leaned forwards. "Well," He started, "That was pretty crazy, eh?"