Torunn took a sip from the straw in her drink, looking around at the few people that were out and about. With the straw still in her mouth, between her teeth, the girl looked at Lochilla and nodded when she asked if she had wanted answers. Uhm, yes, she wanted answers. Torunn knew that what happened last night was not a normal thing, no matter how much her mom tried to convince her otherwise. She continued to chew on her straw while her mom started to explain what happened last night. At the mention of the word 'otherwordly', Torunn released the straw and raised an eyebrow at the dark haired woman. She was about to ask a question, when Lochilla continued before she could, and stopped walking. Torunn noticed and stopped as well, turning her body to face Lochillas. Yeah, she knew that she made them explode, but she wanted to know how and why. "Wait wait wait." She said as she held her hand up as if to stop her mom from talking. Torunn smiled, clearly in disbelief. "I made them explode because I have some sort of... power in me?" She had rolled her hand in circles when she hesitated to use the word 'power'. Surely her mom was joking. Torunn laughed and shook her head. "Come on mom, how did they really explode?" She asked just as the sun disappeared and was covered by clouds. Looking up in curiosity, Torunns brows drew down. Where had all these clouds come from all of a sudden? She noticed the lightning and tilted he head as if the action would help her figure out what was going on. Then the pair noticed a group of people crowded around one spot. Torunn followed her mom to the crowd and the two pushed their way through the people until they got to the front. It was then that they noticed a man trying to pull out what looked like a sword that was blade down in the ground. "What the hell?" Torunn though out loud. No matter how hard the man pulled and tugged, it wouldn't budge an inch. "What is this? The sword in the stone?" She asked no one in particular with a chuckle. Things were getting ridiculously wierd. First, her mom tries to tell her that she had some super power, and now, some random sword is stuck in the ground in Central Park, and no one can pull it out? It was a really pretty sword she had to admit, and her attention was so focused on the thing, that she didnt notice the lightning still striking in the sky. Torunn took another sip of her drink, her eyebrows still drawn down in confusion. She started chewing on her straw again while she watched person after person try to pull it from the ground. No one could do it. "Where's King Arthur?"Torunn said sarcastically with another chuckle, her straw still between her teeth. She then turned to her mom and nodded in the direction of the sword. "Why don't you give it try, mom?" She asked with a smile as she released the poor straw, the end of it as flat as could be, teeth indents marring its surface.