Meesei could not help but to grin as she watched Lunise quickly become awestruck by the sight surrounding them. Sabine and Karl were already present nearby, both with bags containing the food and supplies they would need for their dinner together, but fortunately, Lunise's reaction was not unusual for a newcomer to Blackreach. In fact, it was perfectly normal. "I can assure you we are in Tamriel. It is just not a place that is known to Tamriel's scholars. The cavern has been our home for the last decade, or more specifically, that city over there in the distance." Meesei said, motioning towards the Silent City, lit by the distinctive glowing orb above it. "We could not ask for a better one." While Lunise was taking in the sights, Meesei quickly shifted her attention to the others. "Good evening Sabine, Karl. Is the day treating you well?" --- Pierrette, being one of those in charge of logistics, was the one who could best answer Fendros' question, but she still showed obvious surprise upon hearing it. "Corpses? afraid I do not know the exact number off the top of my head, but at this clan's size, we always have some bodies waiting to be butchered. Mostly Falmer, chaurus, and some animals from above-ground hunts. It is just...are you intending to use necromancy against them?" Ri'vashi's eyes widened slightly. "That...surely there is a better way? Perhaps...automatons are not alive. They could get close to the camp without triggering the wards." Lorag shook his head slightly. "I'd rather use those machines too, but those things are louder than the fiery lakes of Oblivion, with all that steam. No way they're sneakin' up on anything, wards or no wards." Ri'vashi lowered her head, pressing her hand against her forehead. "Okay, so...assuming we have these bodies, what [i]exactly[/i] is your plan for them?"