[h2]Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters[/h2] Nifty... pressing each of the buttons in order, she was treated to various three-dimensional images of herself, in costume and with her face obscured by glaring light - first the basic pose as described by Decoy, then pointing a finger out in one direction as she seemed to steady herself (though closer inspection suggested it was actually a walk forward she'd been engaging in), and finally with her hands splayed, fingers seeming ready to send out beams of light on a dime. Like a badass, if she had to describe it. But that wasn't the point. It was meant to distract a foe so that you could make an escape, or sneak up on them. Speaking of which, Lillian - and her dinosaur hologram, no less, good Lord that was scary to see even knowing it was a hologram, something Evelyn clearly agreed upon judging by her suddenly manifesting her projection as a sort of spidery wall for a moment - had just made a number of suggestions on how she could contribute, including the option for her to sneak into the building... yes, maybe... but was she the best option? She wasn't sure. She'd need to consider her teammate's powers a bit... have a plan, consider what she was going to say next at the same time… As she thought about it, the conversation continued without her. Ira suggested that she could help Lillian scout with her goggles, and furthermore that she’d come up with a way of improving Evelyn’s power, letting her transport to Ira’s location immediately, and perhaps improving the range the projection could stretch over to boot. That was right, it could detect people, couldn’t it? Yes, that might be useful… Lyn certainly seemed happy with the device, suggesting that she too could act as a scout in her own right. Alright, yeah, that would definitely be handy. 'Those are all great suggestions, guys,' Alessa agreed with a smile. 'Especially you, Ira; good job on the new tech. Maybe it’d give Lyn a good escape option if she gets caught out, too. As far as scouting the place out before heading inside goes- and I can't imagine why we wouldn't want that- all of those options could be useful. Full coverage, or something along those lines? Maybe if it's locked from the inside, you could sneak in and unlock it from the inside for us, Lily?’ She glanced over to the dinosaur-esque shapeshifter with a grin, and then put a bit of humour in her tone: ‘I wouldn’t necessarily suggest transforming unless you’re seen, but if you have to, right? ‘That said,' she continued, stroking her chin in thought and glancing to the most elaborate member of the group, 'if it's an external lock, Elliot could also transform it into a toy and remove it, or indeed just transform any doors themselves if that’s an option. Not to mention... well, I assume we'll want to remove the contraband eventually, and I can't help but think turning as much of it as possible into toys would be superbly useful in that regard, in addition to anything else that might be important. 'Now, as far as scouting for Capes specifically goes, I believe Evelyn would have a handle on that. Lyn,' she asked, turning to Tulpa, 'do you think you’d be able to stretch the projection across an entire warehouse for a good period of time with Ira’s new upgrade?' If she could pull that off, it'd be incredible for figuring out enemy movements on a dime, never mind the power itself drawing from any other Parahumans in the area once it manifested physically. And as for Ira… scouting was useful, but by no means the most deliberate use of her abilities. 'Ira, do you think you'd be able to hit the warehouse with a power-nulling field?' she proposed after a bit more pondering. 'Not immediately, of course, but if we happen to meet any villainous parahumans in there, it might be beneficial to put us all on more even footing, at least until we can hit them with personal-scale nullifiers.' Yes, it was all coming together nicely. If everything went as planned, the raid ought to go down like clockwork, with or without other Capes there.