Internally, An-Hasst let go of a large sigh of relief. Ahhh, finally a hotspot of competence inside of this overcrowded mess of utter ignorance. Not exactly generous, charming or maybe just even [i]not[/i] providing him with that certain impression of repudiation, Geradin at least appeared to know what he was doing. Only a few moments of self-praise later there was a bit of information that the Skayleigh considered vital: Foul magic ? Infused into the rock itself ? Now the original constructors of this dwarven forge wouldn't have done that to their sacred environment, would they ? So the answer was clear [color=ffff00]"Thank you."[/color] he told the dwarf, before noticing that progress appeared to be made on the other side. It was obvious that it would take a while to clear that passage, but it would be a second way out. An especially good second way, since a passage which had been blocked previously probably would not be used by any dark elves as a second way of ambush vice versa. The Skayleigh found it wise to stop wasting time and help Ursaren -- after all he was a damn large heap of proud half-giant muscle who could help move at least a few of the smaller rocks until his wounds would have healed completely. However there was something else... Something... ugly and very uncomforting. Why had he not felt it earlier ? Maybe because it was too faint and he had been distracted, but there also was the possibility that it had just started now. The idea of that made him thud over towards the excavation site and try and help digging. The earlier this passageway would be free to use, the better! [@Banana][@The Fated Fallen][@BCTheEntity][@POOHEAD189]