[h2]Asterios - New York[/h2] Even this early in the day, it was impossible to miss the site of nearly ten feet of horned muscle, such sites rarely being seen on the streets of New York. Unless, of course, they happened to appear in the middle of the road, looking around bewildered at his sudden change of location. Equally as lost was the motorist who suddenly found his path blocked and tried to swerve out of the way with no success. The impact, though definitely wrecking the car, failed to have much of the impact that one would expect on its target--not even a bruise as the massive figure looked around. "Master...?" Asterios mumbled, looking around for any sign of the missing figure--and source of the missing contract. Nothing. Fortunately, without Mad Enhancement it would be a little while before he ran out of mana, but to not disappear he'd have to find someone else... and how would he do that? For all a massive city's mazelike properties, it was nothing that he had ever experienced. His chances were pretty much reliant on someone magical taking note of the out of place Servant. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only sort of person liable to take an interest, with a small crowd already gathering despite the time of day, intrigued by something too big to be realistic--including the man angrily shouting about his car. Not that Asterios was looking to say anything any time soon, despite looking down at the crowd.