Jean is finished, if you haven't finished your CS and reading the end of her's might help you finish your own. Speaking of, I think I'm only waiting on Sep, [@Afro Samurai] and [@ [quote=@Sep] [center][img][/img] [color=00a99d][h1][b]C O L O S S U S[/b][/h1] [h3][sup]Piotr [i]'Peter'[/i] Rasputin[/sup][/h3][/color][/center] [b]Age:[/b]19 [hider=Powers] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Organic Steel Tissue:[/b] On Command Piotr can transform his skin into an organic steel. This makes him impervious to most traditional attacks. It also increases his density and weight considerably, the name [i]Colossus[/i] is not chosen ironically. All his other abilities come from this. [list][*][b]Superhuman Strength:[/b] This goes without mentioning. After transforming into his armored state, Colossus possesses vast superhuman strength. He is easily one of the physically strongest X-Men, even when not transformed he has strength to match someone of his size and build. [*][b]Superhuman Stamina:[/b] His body reacts differently while it is transformed. The toxins that tire the muscles and cause fatigue in regular humans still affect him however it takes several [i]days[/i] of exersion for him to become fatigued. [*][b]Superhuman Durability:[/b] In his armored form Colossus is invulnerable to most forms of bodily harm. His armor is capable of withstanding ballistic penetration, including that of a 155 millimeter Howitzer shell. He has truly put his body to the test while trying to help people, it can take a beating. However it should be noted that it doesn't regenerate rapidly, so in the unlikely event he is injured it takes longer to heal. If his armored state is wounded, turning back is a major threat to life as the wound can be amplified. [/list][/hider] [b]History:[/b] [center][h3][sub]Childhood[/sub][/h3] [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider][/center] Piotr was raised in Post-Soviet Union Serbia, in what '[i]used[/i]' to be a Soviet farming community. Truthfully not much changed in his little community after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Many people in the community still considered themselves to be Soviets, and Piotr was raised on a belief that everyone had their part to play in the community, and that everyone was respected. His family was well known in the community, after all his older brother Mikhail had been a cosmonaut for the Soviet Union and had been quite famous, until his rocket had disappeared prior to Piotrs birth. Piotr never knew his brother, though he knew he was a fine upstanding citizen and hoped that one day his brother would somehow return and he could be half the man his brother had been. Still, he lived on the farm and lived and ordinary life caring for his family and his community. He became very protective of his younger sister Illyana and the two became virtually inseperable. He cared deeply for his [i]Little Snowflake.[/i] When he was twelve his powers manifested themselves when he saved his sister from being run over by a run away tractor. While initially confused he saw the powers as a blessing, giving him the ability to help out his people more than he had previously. [center][h3][sub]Hero, or Traitor?[/sub][/h3] [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider][/center] After a year of being a hero to his local community word began to spread throughout Serbia and even into Russia, with some old KGB connections still existed even in the early 2000s. With the emergence of Super powered individuals in America many other countries were secretly financing their own experiments and tests. While many outwardly appraised Tony Stark and his efforts at helping to create world peace many other countries didn't like the idea of an individual with enough power to just go wherever he wanted, when Russia learned off a young teenager in Serbia that seemed to possess incredible abilities they didn't particularly care about the trivial matter of there being an international border. First they tried the diplomatic approach, gave Piotr the option to serve the fatherland much like his brother had in his own time. When Piotr refused forces moved in to attempt to subdue him, unwilling to put up a fight surrendered when no escape was possible. After all he didn't seek to hurt anybody. He was taken to what Americans would call a 'black site' in order to try and 'convince' him to work for a program called the [i]Winter Guard.[/i] In truth, Piotr was close to accepting the offer when somehow his release was granted at the highest levels. When he left the facility he was approached by a bald man who told him that his name was Charles Xavier and that he needed Piotrs help, and that he promised to explain everything. [center][h3][sub]X-Man?[/sub][/h3] [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider][/center] Piotr didn't really have time to grasp the reality of the situation, he was some form of mutant and he was being paired up with other mutants in order to try and stop some form of nuclear war. He didn't question it, there wasn't much time to question it. Before he knew it he was being thrown into a combat environment where he had to defend the lives of others, and wound a few in order to save many. It conflicted with his beliefs, despite his size and his strength he had always been a gentle soul. His abilities were... a little inconvienent facing the foe that they faced however in the end the X-Men prevailed, just in time to catch the news of the Battle of New York. The result of this had Charles Xavier disband the new group, dubbed the X-Men (Xaviers Men), Colossus spent a period of time within America acting as a 'good samaritan' in the shadows before he returned home to Russia. [center][h3][sub]Winter Guard[/sub][/h3][/center] [center][hider=image][img][/img][/hider][/center] Piotr returned to Serbia and upon seeing what a group of criminals had done to his home, he decided that his time as a hero wasn't yet done. Taking on the name of the project the Russian Government had tried to recruit him too he became a hero within the wilds of Serbia, and Russia and generally whereever the need took him. Within a year however the lifestyle proved too difficult, the Professor had advised that they stay under the radar and Piotr wasn't exactly a subtle individual. The violence was also a negative side effect for the gentle giant, who would far rather paint than get into a fight. Not truly knowing what to do with himself he moved around from city to city, sometimes he would just go to paint whereas other times he would get some form of high risk job doing manual labour. All while avoiding using his powers, though sometimes when there was major accident or a building caught fire. People would swear that they saw a large man coming to the rescue, those who were saved by him claimed it was as if he was made by metal however these notions were dismissed as a mass delusion likely stemming from one report. Piotr lived a life of peace. [/quote] Approved.