[@KoL][@Banana][@Lmpkio] [h2][center][color=fff200]Saef Harken Air-Who Knows Anymore?[/color][/center][/h2] Farris had the ice Demon well in hand. That left Saef to deal with the Queen Bee. She was once again going for him with one of those oversized stingers. A large swarm of her minions buzzing alongside her as her own wings sent her up towards the armored Thaumaturge. Blood poured into the frigid winds from a myriad of deep wounds. She must have possessed immense reserves of willpower to even be conscious, to say nothing of being able to launch an actual attack in her condition. Saef swept forward to meet her charge. His scepter swept up and aside, slamming into the oncoming stinger and deflecting it. Since they were both moving towards each other this instantly left the armor clad soldier inside the guard of his opponent. With less than a second before the two swept past each other Saef called upon the superhuman speed and reflexes his ascension had granted. His left hand was encased in a blade of light and swept towards Apia's head with all the speed both he and his suit could give.