Reboot Reason: Due to lack of activity on part of the other players for legitmate reasons this roleplay needs to be remade. TLDR for the below: We're Chaldea mages. Our job is to fix singularities even if it may mean doing something morally wrong to us. The world is a fragile place....for hundreds of thousands of years humanity as struggled through the ages to keep peace, and prosperity always falling back on war. Mages, heroes, and normal humans have struggled to reach out to grasp at fame, fortune, and prosperity. Fear of failure, of defeat, of destruction is always a constant thing. Something to be reminded of every time some single individual reaches out to grasp is the fact that things could go horribly wrong at any given moment. A single alteration, a single failure, a single deviation from the sends the world into a chaotic spiral, and a distortion is made upon an unsuspecting world. Mages are one of the more common reasons things go wrong. Be it the Dead Apostles, or an overtly ambitious fellow with too much to gain, and not enough to lose the world tends to fall apart at the touch of fate's hand. Hatred, jealousy, justice, despair, honor, friendship, and other self destructive tendencies have been the cause of mages, and humans alike to fall, and break what should be set in stone. Guidelines, and history itself changing to suit the needs of the many, and the hopeless. Be it for good intentions, or for ill the time line of the world is easily disrupted...perhaps a young man wished for peace...perhaps they rescued a friend...or maybe they just wanted a bit more power...and everything went wrong. We...We are the last line of defense a complex conglomerate of mages dedicated to protecting the timeline morality is not our concern but the world at large. Our name is Chaldea a organization for mages, and by mages. Our duty is a simple but complicated one: To prevent alterations to the timeline that would throw the world out of balance. The Holy Grail Wars are of particular worry to us as wishes are a fickle thing. It is not a simple thing to be a must throw away their morality at times to preserve what was, and is. Even if it means destroying an entirely different possible future. We stand as Team B. A second team of back up mages in case of the destruction of the initial group. That has come to pass...Our first mission is to finish what the first failed to do. Tell me masters? Are you ready? ==== Hello everyone this is a typemoon roleplay based off Fate/Grand Order. None of the canon grand order characters will be involved minus perhaps the servants who are allowed within power limits (characters like Gilgamesh (Archer/Adult), and Heracles/Hercules (god hand like abilities are too strong to allow into the roleplay.). Characters like Shirou, and Rin will appear in timeline switches however there will be custom timelines/singularities when I feel more creative. The reason for the 18+, and horror tag is because we will be visiting timelines when things have gone from bad to worse and servants have gone awry bloodily ending towns. I'd like people to keep in mind that I can allow nerfs to allow some characters like Lancer Cu Chulainn in as he has an instant kill move that hits a person's heart I can't let that sort of move fly. What's the point of a powerful opponent when you just fling your unblockable spear through their chest? If you're unsure, or need help picking/making a servant you may ask me and I will do what I can to help. You may be a servant, or a master though I encourage you to play both in order to more easily weave the roleplay together. You may have a pick of any of the classes. If one is already chosen I encourage you to pick another however as this is Grand Order and not Fate/stay/Zero/Apoc there can be more than one of the same class. I intend to play a Saber, or Lancer servant myself alongside my own master and I will ask for feedback on that if this roleplay receives more people. I am looking for people who can write comprehensive characters, and posts. I am not looking for essays but fairly fleshed out characters, and posts. If you want to write essays more power to you. Magic in this rp will go by the DnD system of things were you can only cast one spell so many times before you need to let it cooldown usually for a long rest period. For example "I use fireball!" "3/4 uses left for the day" Servants MUST be from existing legends, or fairy tales. Modern servants aren't allowed the most I'll allow is someone like George Washington, or a already canon modern servant like Billy the Kid. The characters may not be from other fictional works such as Guts from Berserk. I am also Gm'ing for another Fates rp on this site, and I have college so if I am unable to post for a day, or two please understand. Any further questions will be answered below