[hr][hr] [center][color=Peru][h1]Damien Flores[/h1][/color] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/78198908965ba987c3da6c74712f629e/tumblr_mfrwf0iwKp1rjm2fgo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Zoé's home. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Zoé Flores, Aaron Brooks and Cody Treadwell[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [color=Plum]“..Aron..? ..Aron..? Cody- what’s goin-... oh, mierda; hang on…”[/color] Damien shifted uncomfortably on the couch. There was a static sort of stillness that came through the air that simply tickled the Druid the wrong way. He stood from the couch slowly as he listened to his sister's end of the conversation. Whatever was going on, definitely wasn't good. Standing tall, he shotgunned the rest of his beer before setting the empty bottle on the table next to Zoé's, waiting for the phone call to end. His eyes shifted over towards the two boys his sister had adopted, though he could have swore his premonition of them being queer was still true. He hadn't exactly received the [i]best[/i] explanation of their adoption, or why - it would simply have to be another conversation for later, it seemed. His fingertips twitched, his attention recalled back to his sister as the urgency in her voice continued to escalate. Walking slowly to her, though keeping some amount of distance, Damien placed a strong hand on her shoulder, giving her a sense of support with whatever was going on. It seemed he had decided to come back from the dead at a good time. Zoé needed him. She suddenly turned, forcing his hand from her shoulder and a phone was thrown at him. With reflexes that had no sense belonging to a mere human, the Druid caught it with ease, and kept his hand in the air where it was, his eyes narrowing. [color=Plum]“..I need your help, Damien… there’s been another attack…”[/color] It didn't even seem to register with Damien that his sister was stripping down nude in front of him. His eyes were on hers, and he gave her a solemn nod, a flickering, smirky-sort-of-smile crossing his lips. Whatever attack had happened in the past, he knew nothing about. Or the significance of this particular attack. Old military habits died hard. When called to duty, a soldier couldn't help but to feel some semblance of excitement, either good or bad. [color=peru]"Yeah you do."[/color] It seemed that he would be meeting up with Myra a little bit later than he had thought.