[@Dnafein],[@Joker892],[@Poi],[@DeadDrop],[@FortunesFaded] I am writing up an Intro which will have us already on the trail and about to cross the line of the greatest limit to Lasthope patrols and into the unknown lands east. We will most likely encounter only a few humans and perhaps one or two Risen which we might let the Troopers practice headhunting with their horseman's Hammer or Tetsubo. It's during this period I want us to get to know our team. We are all trained to work as a team to solve every problem; it is humanity's greatest power. We are young but not that Young considering you can Boot as a Trooper or Scout at 16 and be a scrub in 6 months so a 24-year-old has 8 years already in the saddle I'm making Jain The Expedition Leader because I am the GM and Benevolent Dictator; besides it becomes problematic otherwise