[quote=@Expolar] [h2][color=00a651]Rik | Myrtle Town, Marketplace [/color][/h2][@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra] [color=00a651]“That would be correct, Bosco was where I was born and raised. I planned on visiting my cousin here and luckily I arrived before those marauders did. If you two are here to help, why not go the northern outskirts of the town. After the last visit from those marauders, most seemed to have ran off in that general direction.”[/color] Seeing as more people are arriving into the marketplace, Rik wasn’t in the mood to deal with the same routine that just happened. [color=00a651] “Anyways, sorry that I can’t sell you two anything, but perhaps we could have an exchange words. Some would say a conversation. As I mentioned, I’ve been in town for a while so I already got used to seeing familiar faces. But after looking at you two for some time now, are you two seriously going to go after those marauders? I don’t want to sound rude, but you two seem a bit young and don’t seem to that have intimidating physical strength that some rune knights here.” [/color] [/quote] [color=ed1c24][h2]Angel Ferrara - Myrtle Town[/h2][/color] Angel turned to face the other traveler fully now, diverting his attention away from any of the cornucopia of gifts he could snag for Cyare and back towards Rik. The tracker looked at Cyare playfully, and then gave Rik the same breezy smile. His hands shoved in his pockets, thumbs poking out, the mage [i]did[/i] seem relatively unassuming as he let out a bubbly giggle. [color=ed1c24]"We're no bodybuilders, yeah,"[/color] Angel agreed. [color=ed1c24]"But Cyare's as much a knight as anyone, rune or otherwise, and I guess I'm no slouch either."[/color] [color=ed1c24][i]He's only been looking at us for a minute...[/i][/color] Of course, at least he'd pegged Angel for a boy! That was something even Cyare hadn't quite worked out when they'd first met, so clearly the stranger had sharp eyes if nothing else. It really made ya think. Angel hummed slightly, shrugging his shoulders and tossing the snowflakes out of his blonde curls with a shake of his head. [color=ed1c24]"We're gonna help however we can in time for your return trip, don't you sweat it!"[/color]