Michael went through his first three classes relatively uneventfully, learning the expectations and intros of each one and committing them to memory, and picking seats close to the door. He marked a few people in them as just being notably noted, but naturally, none of them stood out as particularly interesting as of yet. To be expected...the interesting people weren't likely to stand out while silently attending class, unless of course you were Michael himself. As the bell rang for lunch, he picked up his lunchbox from his locker and microwaved himself a ham and cheese sandwich, saving his apple for after school, before assuming a seat at a mostly empty table diagonally opposite an older [@neogreggory] kid. Ignoring the other apart from an initial glance, he pulls out his book again and resumes reading while he eats his lunch, taking a moment out every few moments to glance around the cafeteria at the other students.